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Everything posted by fish911503

  1. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    What makes you think i want the devs to look over every death?
  2. fish911503

    New loging out system and ALT + F4 insta-ban?

    They are palnning on data minig peoples logging behavior. When they identify people logging to avoid death they are going to put a log out timer on their character to punish them. If they continue to do it they are going to be warned and then killed. This is what rocket said in his latest interview. He said he is working on implimenting it this week. You can go to the twitter feed to see the interview https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam
  3. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    This thread can be closed now.
  4. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Would you stop complaining....."Another person who fails to understand the concept of the game" see that is a complaint my friend. Whether or not I understand the concept of the game is of no concern to you. If you have nothing but complaints and demands then I have no interest in talking with you. EDIT: All the questions you ask me other people already asked and i replied.
  5. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Being as you failed to notice....The OP was not a complaint...it was a suggestion to a percieved problem...there is huge difference between complaining and offering a suggestion...you should learn that difference. Any complaining i did do within the thread was because of thickheaded whiners (like yourself) that have reading comprehension issues. piss off EDIT: and already said what i thought the disadvantage was in earlier posts. It's not my problem if you can't or don't read.
  6. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Nothing is stopping false reports in this system....but a characters reported murder count would reset every 48 hours UNLESS they receive a certain number of reports within that time span. So a player would have to have...idk say 50 reported murders in that 48 hour time period to get flagged. Now what's to stop a group of friends from filing 50 false murder reports...nothing i guess. I suppose if the devs were interested in this idea they'ld have to figure something out. Only allowing a single member to report once every 48 hours would stop one person from submitting dupe reports. But I can't think of anything to stop 50 friends from doing it at the moment. As for the name tag issue it's not needed because (like other games do) when you killed by another player you and only you would see the name of the player who killed you..i.e. "you were killed by xyz". And IMO if a player is murdering other players on that scale...30 to 50 per day...IMO this is not a legitimate style of play....its griefing. and the desifnation should stick with them even after death. OR there could be a certain number of warnings (not for being a bandit...for griefing) and if get a flagged for griefing a certain number of times THEN you get a perma tag or temporary ban for griefing
  7. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    No worries....You make some good points..Actually the people I want identified (and the system I came up with would only identify these people) are murderer...people who camp and kill everyone just for fun. I put bandits in the thread title which has caused me much grief but it's the PK'rs i think need to be dealy with. As the game stands now (cause i cant switch between rifle and axe easily) I only carry an axe and a glock. When I first started playing I thought this would give an advantage because I wouldn't be perceived as a threat if carried an axe. Foolish of me. I still only carry a glock and an axe. I equipt the axe when navigating zombies and the glock while im out in the wilderness. So guess whether i am at an advantage or disadvantage is a dynamic isuue...meaning it depends on who i am dealing with. Hopefully Ill be dealing with somelike you... I am glad to hear your thoughtful response. and nice know there are good people out there.
  8. fish911503

    New loging out system and ALT + F4 insta-ban?

    Seriously..I watched in an interview with rocket he said his plan is if your logged disconecting and reconnecting often a log out timer will be added to your character if you continue to do it youll recieve a warning and then the result will be death. Like actual death....they know where you live. Hes working on it.
  9. fish911503

    New loging out system and ALT + F4 insta-ban?

    I wish all the alt+F4 whiners would go play WarZ... :)
  10. fish911503

    Made a piece of art for dayz.

    Yeah..your resume is impressive. I've been teaching myself maya for awhile. I've gotten paid once...woot.
  11. fish911503

    Made a piece of art for dayz.

    Really nice work....are the wireframes the actual finished resolution? If so all bump and texture work really nice too. You should do it full time. Do you do vehicles? EDIT: Duh...you do do it full time.
  12. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    I'm assuming you're talking to me. If you were to read through the posts to get some perspective rather reading the thread title and thinking you know how i play the game or what the fuck you're talking about you might be a little more relevant. I don't play many video games cause mostly they are for retards. I am an ARMA player who got turned on to DAYZ. Unfortunately its turned into a deathmatch. You don't hear many like me because modt have left the game and the forums because they're above dealing with douch idiots like you and previous poster. You don't know me or how i play, you have no reference on the content of the thread. If you'ld like to have a conversation I'm game. If you're going to just talk shit without a point of refernce go get fucked. For Real.
  13. fish911503

    Made a piece of art for dayz.

    Nice work, the pistol looks great
  14. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    See 20 identical posts previous to yours for my response to your astute and clever observation. Brick
  15. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Let us build tree stands
  16. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Then why don't you?
  17. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    They would, but at a risk.....cuz while you're up there you're sitting duck if you get spotted. It's a trade off.
  18. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Tree stands are not built on land and don't necessarily need to be obvious. actually tents are way more "massively" obvious than a tree stand would be.
  19. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Yeah snipers could use them too....they could be used for all kinds of things....storing gear. ambushes, spotting, and when you rolling the forest it's one more direction you need to worry about. Use your imagination man
  20. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Is that a rhetorical question? do you know what a tree stand is?
  21. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    if you set them near know sniper location, you might spot them setting up. They can also be used to spot for a sniper. They can be used as recon to warn buddy there are people coming his way. You can store stuff in it. Its like the ability to build out own deer satnds but in any tree we want.
  22. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    Most kids do ;)
  23. fish911503

    Tree Stands

    To ambush snipers and campers or any other player, or store gear. Or any other reason you can think of. I can think of ton of uses. Its one more direction you need to worry about..UP.
  24. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    Let me try and put it another way. I think what the "OPFOR" is trying to say is that..I too have the option to play as a bandit therefor I am at no disadvantage since I am free to play the way they do. What I'm trying to say is the game design itself...is more advantageous to one style of play than to another. If you deny that you're entitled to.
  25. fish911503

    Eliminate the Bandit/PK'r Advantage

    In an environment with no rules...the bandit always the advantage. I have to play extra careful and be stealthy. Because i choose not shoot on site. Which puts me at a disadvantage. Which I compensate for with skill. But we are all entitled to our opinions...so call me stupid again.