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Captain Q

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Everything posted by Captain Q

  1. I see it over and over and over again; people complain about the L85 AWS. Recently, however, I saw one really legitimate complaint based on how the British Armed Forces really don't use the weapon so often. We do need a thermal weapon in the game, because it is #1. something that would be realistic, considering the military would have to leave them lying around at some point, and #2. it is necessary, considering how often people dress in Ghille and camp the living hell out of people. But, the AWS isn't a realistic fit. My proposal? Replace it with an ACTUAL SOVIET BLOC WEAPON; the Ak-74 with the Goshawk attachment. I'm no politician, so I won't explain it to you. Instead, try it for yourself: Go into the ArmA 2 EDITOR and select a map; any map. Create a character by double clicking any area of the map. Make sure that you are the player of this character. To do so, look of the scrollable bar on the left hand side that will either say Control: "Player" or "Playable" or "Non-playable". Click on the arrow, and Select "Player". In the "Initialization" field, paste either of these this code (Hint: Press Ctrl + V in order to paste this into the activation field): removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "Binocular_Vector"; removeAllWeapons this; {this addmagazine "30Rnd_545x39_AK",} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6]; this addWeapon "AKS_74_GOSHAWK"; Now, create another soldier, and list him as "Playable". removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "Binocular_Vector"; removeAllWeapons this; {this addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6]; this addWeapon "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS"; The "Binocular_Vector" is a range finder. Use this to determine at what range the AK and AWS are not accurate/ineffective. Press T to switch to the player selection screen and select to be the other player. If you can, time the rate of fire between the weapons. Also, put a few OPFOR people around if you want to try a firefight. You will see how effective each weapon is under each condition. Go ahead. Try it. I'm suggesting this so we can keep a thermal scope with more negative aspects, while also taking the complaint level down to a minimum.
  2. Captain Q

    L85 needs to be changed

    I disagree. I think it should be merely REPLACED by a less suitable weapon; the AK-74_GOSHAWK. We need ONE thermal weapon, but the AWS is far too useful. The GOSHAWK Ak is far less decent of a weapon, and it still fills the niche roll. We shouldn't terminate the heat vision weapon... Just make it more area-realistic.
  3. Captain Q

    Jesus. I'm so sorry, Andy.

    You should apologize to the entire ArmA community for being at the root of the problem. I understand that there is a rule that states "There is NO flaming bandits in here." This rule does not appy in this case. You, sir, are not a bandit. You are a disgrace.
  4. Captain Q

    DayZ's Community Now!!?!?

    Chances are the people shooting at you have been attacked themselves and have died so many times that they just don't care anymore. I witnessed a fellow transform into a bandit after he was attacked by another player with a hatchet. He shot him. Paranoid, he shot two other people firing weapons at zombies in the street, mistaking them for firing at him. Then he said something akin to "I may as well be a bandit" on the side channel.
  5. Captain Q

    Karma Isn't a Bitch or...

    I think I'll post these right here... Survival Attempts: 10,566,935 Murders: 1,599,557 Bandits Alive: 64,672 Bandits killed: 271,885 Zombies killed: 97,217,964 As you can see, it's more PvE than PvP.
  6. Captain Q

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    You do realise his idea was not to replace the current selection' date=' but to add Russian equivalents at higher drop rates alongside the current selection, right? [/quote'] I actually want a lot of replacement going on. I apologize for not seeing the matter mentioned. Still, I feel that original ArmA gear should be implemented first (Vz-58, AK-74 gl, kobra, AK-107), and third party gear later when the game is more stable and the developers are 100% confident in how to work them in. Besides, all of this work may be for nothing when it's all ported over to ArmA 3, which will feature weapon mods and different physics.
  7. Captain Q

    Wow, I freaked out because of freeview....

    I always disable the double-tap toggle feature. It's more annoying and of absolutely no use to me unless I am driving or flying. Otherwise I just like to hold it-and not have it locking up on me.
  8. Captain Q

    sheep in dayz .. ?

    Sheep ARE Dangerous. Watch this informative video to learn a few dangers of sheep.
  9. Captain Q

    See Players on Map

  10. Captain Q

    AK74 or CZ550

    AK-74. When you want to get a long-range target, set it to single fire, aim at the very front of the head, and fire away.
  11. Captain Q

    Sorry in advance

    I have to agree with the guy in side channel. When I could still access the game (before the stupid "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin, please contact the DayZ staff." error) I was able to meet up with several good people in the game. It was as if most of them were nice, except one FNG tried to hatchet a bunch of people and got shot, and then the guy who shot him killed two other people because they were shooting at stuff and then considered becoming a bandit-yes, I witnessed a man becoming a bandit for the first time. But anyways, side chat REALLY helps.
  12. Being 13 won't help you very much, but if you play a few of the single player campaign missions and scenarios you might figure out a few vital controls. I highly recommend you do that before you start the game, unless you look forward to getting killed by zombies and people on a regular basis. I understand you may think they are boring, but you need to. Really.
  13. Captain Q

    Using CZ550 Scope to Estimate Range

    How about this way... Go on the editor. Place a US Soldier on any map wherever you want. Paste this code into his configuation field, no parentheses: ( {this addmagazine "5x_22_LR_17_HMR",} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6]; removeAllWeapons this; this addWeapon "huntingrifle"; this addWeapon "Binocular_Vector"; ) Now, press ok. Then, place a civilian, and click on the arrow next to "men". Scroll down to "zombie" and start putting zombies all around the map. Enjoy familiarizing yourself with the weapon under safe conditions.
  14. Captain Q

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    I... I just... "9K111 Fagot" *snickers* On-topic; I feel that your concept for Weapon Russianization is good, but, there are already weapons that fit the bills for most (*most) of the roles you have mentioned. For one, I'll start at the top of your list, and work my way down on the 'questionable' changes. Some of these weapons you suggest are already incorporated into the games files. Some you have a point with, but I don't know how the developers would feel about them. PISTOLS: PDW - Kedr PP-91 replacement. I partially disagree with this because the Operation Arrowhead files include a Skorpion vz.61. I think that should be implemented over the PDW rather than the PP-91. It would be more readilly avalible in Chernarus. LIGHT MACHINE GUNS: M240 - KalashnikovPKM M249 - Kalashnikov RPK-74 MK 48 - Degtyarov RPD The ArmA 2 files already have the RPK and PK you mention replacing the M240 and M249 with. The MK-48 Mod 0 can be replaced with the Russian "Pecheneg" machinegun, which also already exists in the game's files. It's a far better equivalent, in my opinion. SHOTGUNS: M1014 - Saiga 12 While I partially agree with replacing the M1014, it would render the 8 rnd magazines Remington-only. I think we should *add* the Saiga rather than take away the M1014. Winchester 1866 Despite what you say, the Winchester 1866 was popular because of it's preformance during the Ottoman-Russian war of the 1870's. It would have realistically been popular as a classic firearm in a place like Chernarus. ASSAULT RIFLES L85A2 AWS I propose we replace this with the AK-74 GPK. It's a thermal-sight AK-74. Simple enough. Lee Enfield I suggest we keep it, and add the Mosin Nagant as a more common alternative. M4A1 We keep 'em. M16A2 Keep it. M16A4 ACOG We bring in the Vz.51 assault rifles to replace this with; the CCO variant and the ACOG variant as well as the wooden stock variant. M16A2 M204 Keep it. I'd go on to the sniper rifles, but I'm turning into a "keep it" guy. Some of your changes sound like very good ideas. It's whether or not the devs would implement them or not that would cause a problem. Right now, there are few weapons that are third-party ported, and I, personally, would rather keep more of the original ArmA weapons.
  15. Back when I used to play Warrock, I'd always choose the medic, which happened to be a female... It had a great plus side; some people would hesitate. Like Tuco says; "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk."
  16. Captain Q


  17. Captain Q

    Friendly list.

    As much as it pains me to say this, I think we NEED to have an option to add someone to a 'friendly list' in game which involves, while two players are facing one another, using the action menu to select an option of "add to friendlies list" which, for the game period alone, helps to identify another player with blue text when you move your rifle's sight/cursor over them. It's sort of a face to face handshake if you will. I know, you may be thinking "well that's as unrealistic as hell" but let's really think about it. In real life, if you were to recognize a person's body shape, face, hair, clothes, or hell, maybe even ass as they stand less than 30 feet from you, you would know from memory who they are. This also has a lot to do with voice. Since not everyone answers direct chat immediately, and not everyone has a mic, it would eliminate some of the issues with that problem. With the low-res and similar body types everyone has, this can be incredibly difficult to discern, even at close ranges, whether or not someone is familiar or not. This *may* eliminate some of the 'shoot on sight' necessities in the game, it will eliminate mistaking someone for an unknown character early, and it could also provide challenges if a player you thought of as friendly decides to stab you in the back. Any input on this idea would be greatly appreciated.
  18. I'll agree with this idea, but, there would need to be some way to implement it. Currently, zombies are slotted as 'civilians' and the players are 'Blufor' individuals. Military on the OPFOR and BLUFOR sides NEVER fire on civilians, as I have seen countless times in the editor. What must be done in order for the concept to work is this: Re-script all of the zombies to be on the "Independent" aka "GUERRILLA" side, and set that side to be enemies of both Blufor and Opfor sides. It should be relatively simple to set up. The only problems I can think of are lag, otherwise it might be easy to do. Why? Russian soldiers are OPFOR personnel. Since you are a Blufor individual, they will, naturally, shoot at you. Since zombies would be independents, they would be shot at too. Easy enough. As for the home-made explosives, I think the IEDs from the PMC mod could come into play here.
  19. Captain Q

    Worst Day of My Life...

    #1. It's just a game. #2. If you think the admin system is being exploited, take it up in the "cheat reporting" section; you might have a case. http://dayzmod.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=34 #3. It's. Just. A. Game.