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About Tropus

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. 0%, then again, I'm usually the one they get the drop on, and I don't disconnect, yeah I die a lot.
  2. 首先,可怕的语法和/或公然的失误,以中国翻译英文对不起。 我希望你能说英语,否则有一些与其他社会沟通的方式,而在游戏中,我认为你将很难找到其他球员谁可以了解中国。 无论如何,祝你好运;记住,他们先拍,以后提问。 如果你玩一个特定的服务器上,你可能想提一提,所以你都可以见面。 欢迎到DayZ
  3. You seem rather set on the password thing. And I think you might be a bit to narrow minded here, to let rocket allow you to password protect your server, which creates all kinds of possible problems. Instead I think a thread where we try to brainstorm what we can do about hackers would be a better idea; what is in our way of allowing us to identify them, what we need to swiftly act on it. And how we can make sure that they'll never see the light of day on any dayz server, ever again. Password protection could help, but doesn't solve the problem. Also, I prefer to be able to join a server without hassle.
  4. Tropus

    My first murder and now I feel guilty

    Half the murders are probably bandits who're killed before they got their kill; read, self defense worked in the bandit's disfavor. That said, I did feel bad first time I killed someone. Then again, so far the only time I killed someone, and I did it to save myself and a friend. Some guy was running around cherno, with a dinner bell, loudly ringing it. So a lot of zombies in tow. He ran around and ran past us a couple of times (we were on the other side of a wall, at one of those crawl areas) We got scared he'd try to attack us or that the zombies would go 'n focus us. So when he got swarmed, my friend made the call, and I shot him, at the time though. He just fell down and was about to get eaten, so it was more of a mercy kill at that point. This game makes you paranoid though.
  5. Tropus

    Introduce yourselves

    Tropus, Friendly guy; so got shot a hundred times. Kinda got sick of always getting killed, just as I got some nice loot; So, I almost snapped and went bandit; Chose not to, redoubled effort to being nice.