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About mikkelbooiiy

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  1. So, I'm just looking for someone who wants to team up. My timezone is GMT+2, I will be playing most in the evening/night :D Steam: royalnoobtuber PS. I'm at the coast fyi, since i got buttsecksed by a horde of zombies :D
  2. I have not yet killed another player. I'm playing alot like you, don't shoot on sight, and try to survive as long as possible. Whenever i see someone, I say friendly, and then it's up to them what they are. add me on steam: royalnoobtuber PS. I do have a mic. Take care :)
  3. mikkelbooiiy

    UK guy looking for anyone!

    hey guys, add me on steam royalnoobtuber skype mrlyst i'm just looking for someone to play with aswell :D
  4. mikkelbooiiy

    Post your best and/or worst experiences

    Wow, thanks for sharing the long posts!
  5. I would love to hear some of your experiences with the game. I've had it for a couple of days now, but I know I've only scratched the surface. There's so many different situations, problems, wins, fails, shocking moments and so on. Post yours! Take care out there. ______________________________________________________________ Karma is the name of the game.
  6. mikkelbooiiy


  7. mikkelbooiiy


  8. mikkelbooiiy

    Let's team up!

    try searching on mmaaaad EDIT: or give me your steam and ill add u hey man, it's been a couple of days now, but i added you on steam (royalnoobtuber) :D
  9. mikkelbooiiy

    Learned my lesson

    So today i went up north with my comrade. I only had a double barreled shottie and a makarov mag (pro inventory i know :D) We were heading up north, to some other guy who had lots of spare supplies.. we ran and ran and ran.. i glitched some way back but he continued, since he found a heli crash site. On my way again looking to find my friend, i see a deer stand. I zoom in and see some walkers close to it. I got closer and went prone. Then on the edge of the screen i see someone moving around, who also had spotted the deer stand. I see another guy. Shit 2 guys who wants the same as me. I aim keep an eye on them. Then one of them spots me. We just stare at eachother. What the fuck should i do??! I panic a little, and then bam, i'm dead. A couple of secs later my friend tells me he found to FAL's in the heli crash site, and i tell him i got shot.. He approaches the attackers and boom one down. Boom 2 down. My friend is a badass :D But i've learn't that you need to handle fast in those situations. I just completely froze and did not know what to do.. i had 3 shots in my shottie but i also knew that my enemy was too far away. Sorry for the long post and sorry for my bad english, it's not my motherlanguage. Take care out there. Peace
  10. mikkelbooiiy

    Howdy partner :D

    i've started today, but i know the most.. :D
  11. mikkelbooiiy

    Howdy partner :D

    So... this is my 3rd to find a partner.. i've already connected to a bunch of people, but not many of them play as much as me. so if you're ready for an epic adventure, with fun but tactical teamplay, then hit me up! I'm still pretty new to the game, but i know the basics and all that. I think, playing along with someone makes the game much more fun :D I'm from Denmark (GMT+2) skype: mrlyst steam: royalnoobtuber (good ol' mw2) just hit me up if you're interested :D take care out there! - mikkelbooiiy
  12. mikkelbooiiy

    Let's team up!

  13. mikkelbooiiy

    Let's team up!

    my skype is mrlyst, so i guess i'll be playing tomorrow :D cya!
  14. mikkelbooiiy

    Let's team up!
