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Everything posted by Kaostheghost

  1. Kaostheghost

    mic not working in game? LOOK HERE!!

    Funny problem im having is my mic workings in Dayz but in Project reality it doesn't.
  2. we repaired one last nyt hid it saved it. logged on this morning it was gone.
  3. They do need to be rarer but until it goes standalone this issue cannot be solved. Having snipers on electro hill is not a detrement anyway since looting the big cities are suppposed to be a major hot zone. So in theory its your own fault for putting your self at risk for what a chance at an average weapon which is pointless when you can flank the hill and sweep it and get geared from a sniper that simply loves to be shot in the back.
  4. Kaostheghost

    Should the Mod be abandoned

    rather than whinging why not simply not play...
  5. Anyone confirm other locations than just skalisty island?
  6. Kaostheghost

    how many kills to be a bandit?

    Reason why it persists through death is so you can be marked as a killer warning even on fresh spawn that you like to kill people for their loots.
  7. Kaostheghost

    Hacker on Norway 16

    On se9 everyone got ported onto the big building in cherno. As you can guess carnage ensued almost immediately resulting in the death of 1 in our group. Luckily i managed to get round one of those cylinder things and disconnect but someone who had a m240 was defintely having a blast. Atleast 30+ people was on it some falling off i just wish i threw my grenade :D. The event itself was hilarious but realizing one of my mates had just lost all his gear was a downer to some muppet with hacks.
  8. Kaostheghost

    DayZ Sniping story in Elektro.

    kinda sad how you play on a faggot server that has auto ranging. No skill invovled with your shooting what so ever.
  9. Kaostheghost

    a10 vs huey

    I was on a server last night and we was staking at stary happened to notice 3 people in novy we get good sight to kill with me and my mate sniping whislt 2 spotting my friend then suddenly notices 3 players falling from the sky and crashing on the church . I alt f4ed instantly. Funnily enough they killed 3 people with basic backpacks and weapons yet in the forest was 4 of us armed to the teeth L85s , m24, as50..
  10. Kaostheghost

    Would you take the shot?

    I Woulda took the shot. Could have had coyote backpack, nvs, gps. A whole world of goodies.
  11. Kaostheghost

    Elektro sniping

    Im suprised you didn't get your head blown off. You was lucky there was no other snipers out there ready to counter you.
  12. Kaostheghost

    Rocket's overall plan.

    Other than the ghillie suit / camo skin bug and other stuff. It seems alright i've had no bad encounters. Why are people moaning at the infected now that they had their vision fixed? Who enjoyed walking past something staring directly at you simply put Infected were broken.
  13. Kaostheghost

    DMR is more common than M24?

    Remember the loot system is RNG. You either are just gonna get fortunate with a dmr or any other rare weapon. No such thing as more common(unless it has higher droprate) its just purely luck. You could go in the barracks and get 4 NV's it won't happen because you would have just voided your luck to actually win the lottery.
  14. Kaostheghost

    Rocket's overall plan. Im sure the visual detection on the infected was broken so no wasn't working as intended. Who wanted to be able to walk past an infected 4meters away whilst hes looking at me that's just boring.
  15. Kaostheghost

    Bandit punishment / Survivor rewards

    Why does everything think this game is about the zombies? Its purely there as side function to add interesting buffer to the pvp with humans trying to stay alive by looting for food and water. There should be no reward for not killing other people other than self gratification if thats what you strive for. The Player interaction being on the unknown is what makes this so good. There always gonna be people who just kill for lol but in a zombie apoc people wouldn't go round having tea parties with everyone they meet especially if they saw they had guns. Keep it simple Keep it raw. The only thing ruining the game at the moment is dodgy zombie running, disconnecters/server hoppers and hackers.
  16. Anyone who logs in with a ghillie suit on has probably just lost it. 3 of us in our group lost all our ghillies on spawn.
  17. Kaostheghost

    Hello, Legion clan.

    It seems that any contact at the NW airfield results in seeing who the faggot d/cers are. I got into a few situations last night on a server which was dark where we had people d/cing then reconnecting in a different place. Fortunately for my group we keep discipline and keep people in good vantage spots to cover our looters and accept death if someone manages to outplay us. We only lost one person and ended up killing 1 and having 3 disconnect with gaping holes in there chest (I really need to start going for headshots). It really does seem NW airfield is just disconnect heaven. Cannot wait for the abolish of disconnecters and see how many cry babies are created just so they can't escape death and think they are good players.