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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello everyone, filling out the format first: *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: I bought the steam version. *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: Yes i am, i'm running ARMA2_OA_Build_94364 *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Tried both Sixupdater, and steam - still same problem. *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: The thing is, i tried updating my game, i updated all my DayZ files, when i go into steam, and i start Arma 2 Combined Operations up, it ALWAYS says i have patch 1.60 which is not true, since i just installed the newest patch, all the servers i try going into just says "Server rejected connection: Incorrect patch or something similar to that, in either way, it always complaints about my patch 1.60... What do i do here? *Your PC specs: I5, 2500K 8GB RAM Nvidia Geforce GT560 *Your Operating System: Windows 7 ultimate. *Have you looked at these threads?: Yes, did not seem to help me out. Again this is my problem: The thing is, i tried updating my game, i updated all my DayZ files, when i go into steam, and i start Arma 2 Combined Operations up, it ALWAYS says i have patch 1.60 which is not true, since i just installed the newest patch, all the servers i try going into just says "Server rejected connection: Incorrect patch or something similar to that, in either way, it always complaints about my patch 1.60... Thanks!
  2. Hej Viking. Jeg er dansker, og er 22 år gammel, moden og tager tingene seriøst, og useriøst når det skal være :) Jeg er squ frisk på at nakke nogle fedtugler rundt omkring i landskabet. Jeg hedder "Tisca" ingame, lad os finde ud af noget? Ses :)!
  3. Hello everyone. My name is Alex, i am 22 years old, and i come from Denmark. My timezone is GMT+1 (Europe) & my ingame name is "Tisca" I would love to find someone to play with, in the amazing mod DayZ. I myself is a very trustable guy, i am very listening, and i can be serious when needed to be, and silly when the time is there for it. I havent played DayZ for that long, i would say for 3 days now, but i think of myself as a stealthy guy, i dont run around acting like a fool, i do take this game seriously. If i sound like a person you could play DayZ with, please either respond here, or send me a PM. Kindly regards Alex.