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About Chimonanthus

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Survival and human interactions.
    Hero skin and bandits who try to rob players without killing them.

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    Steam: Chimonanthus
  1. Chimonanthus

    Finding a tent/vehicle to store excess items

    Lol wut? Now thats a cheap trick I'll try once ;P
  2. Chimonanthus

    How long do you live in your first lives?

    First spawn was close to Elektro. I was a arma 2 vet so no problem there and I had seen enough videos to understand how to deal with zombies. Or so I thought because I died not long after finding my first weapon, a hatchet, due to too much fighting (tried defending another freshly spawned player) and lack of bandages. Although I felt sad, my character died with a smile on his face as the other player lived on. First life must have lasted around 40 minutes (yeah, I was very slow-stealthy at the time)
  3. Chimonanthus

    Ok I have had enough....

    I like where this thread is going. Let's talk about cats now.
  4. Chimonanthus

    Farewell DayZ...

    Making your character go to sleep (with an animation) when you log out for like 2 minutes could solve the problem. It would give pretty much anyone the time to finish you off or at least give those tons of zombies chasing you the time to kill your character while you're "out". Would also need some kinda function that makes you unable to login in another server for some time after you disconnected from one (so that your body in the original server has the time to disapear). EDIT: Yeah, I suppose everything will be solved in the standalone.
  5. Chimonanthus

    Im an a**hole

    As soon as I linked "killing bambis" and "now im bored alone", I had some dark ideas going through my mind thinking about all the times I was shot at for no reason...
  6. Chimonanthus

    Karma's a B*tch

    Sweet vengeance is sweet...
  7. Chimonanthus

    A Warm Cherno Greeting - funny.

    Roleplay is dead as long as surviving remains too easy. A wasted bandage in the end.
  8. Chimonanthus

    Looking for Oceanic Squad

    "Permanently" Designated Markman, now that's one I've never heard before...
  9. Mother Nature will do her thing, like she always does...
  10. Chimonanthus

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    Wait, so you're bored, and you have ideas(heli) but don't wanna try them? Do you want to be bored? I don't get it.
  11. Chimonanthus

    The Mujahideen: Now Recruiting!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmwBPsB0oaE Seems highly related considering the occuring events in DayZ.
  12. Chimonanthus

    Dear US 1337 lover's,

  13. Chimonanthus

    Hero bandits and humanity

    Yeah, I've got the same scenario happening to me. The debug monitor just doesn't show the real humanity score linked to your ip character. And yes, its confirmed that heroes will gain humanity with time. Even you can see it by showing the debug monitor and you'll see your score go up from 0 with time (it'll go up 150 every X amount of time I think)
  14. Chimonanthus

    How do I play now that i'm fully geared

    Get ready to cry some moar, because, whenever you care what I think, when the standalone gets out, that shit will probably be solved. http://www.deviantart.com/download/81418278/CRY_SOME_MORE_by_Digicaek.png
  15. Chimonanthus

    standalone treats

    http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Proof_of_Purchase This for everyone http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Cheater%27s_Lament This for those who didn't hack Both will be purchasable for 4,99 after the first months. (joking...)