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Everything posted by Caviano

  1. Caviano

    Need a trust worthy Buddy to rely on :)

    PM me for info on joining with my squad. We use Mumble voice client. Microphone IS REQUIRED to play with us. We offer laughs, support, transport, supplies, and fun. Maturity required.
  2. PM me for mumble info, you're welcome to join our group. We're large, friendly, relaxed ,and serious.
  3. Hello fellow survivors and scumdicks, been playing DayZ for about a week now, and can't express in a coherent manner how much I love it... Nothing has raised my heart-rate quite like this game (I'm not much of a stairmaster guy). That being said, my suggestion is that if/when this game goes full retail, they package it with a heart-rate monitor to keep the players safe from heart attacks and the like. I nearly pee myself every single time I see a player in the distance, or see a running "THING" on the horizon. Christ-almighty, this game is CRAZY stressful. SO: Heart-rate monitor in box, kthnxbye.
  4. Caviano

    New DayzLFG tool launched

    Awesome sauce, good tool, and thankyou for your time and effort.
  5. Caviano

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Wow you're narrow-minded. That is my reply.
  6. Caviano

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I would like the LONGEST LIFE (PLAYING TIME) to be noted, recorded, and fought for. ME and a group of 10 are working hard to keep ourselves entertained AND alive in hopes of beating the record once we know what it is... I heard rumors of the record life being 9 days.. I wanna go for gold... Please post this info!!! And convince the site devs to post this record!
  7. Caviano

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    I want more.. Please post more... THANKS
  8. Caviano

    LF partner/gourp

    PM me for mumble information. We play LATE NIGHT (EST).
  9. Caviano

    survivor just started

    PM me for a community mumble server for all PC gamers. We have a group of about 15 dedicated Dayz players who play LATE NIGHT (EST) which may or may not line up with your UK times... We do however play on US servers so, bare in mind the lag you may receive if you do plan on playing with some Americans. Be safe out there, and if you are interested. Just PM me for the Mumble information.
  10. Caviano

    In a bit of a bind..

    I'd be willing to help later tonight. between 12am-7am EST.
  11. Caviano

    GPS location

    Thats the right side....
  12. These "peripheral vision" indicators (I've been referring to them as my Left/Right audio indicators) are completely fine left in game. Rocket mentioned that he wanted the most minimal HUD possible, using subtleties to que the player that something is near, needs doing, etc. At the same time, he said he needed to have things available to make the game playable to players who perhaps listen to music, or play muted, or perhaps don't have surround sound. So when I hear a zed in my area, I instinctively turn my head (alt+mouse look) to scan the area with my ears (peripheral dots), to find out in what direction the threat is coming from. This is NOT a matter of being able to see through walls. It's being able to differentiate left and right hearing. THIS SETTING SHOULD BE ON ALL SERVERS. HOWEVER: The only terribly wrong thing with the system, is that it makes players a GREEN dot... players and zeds should not have different colored dots to represent them... just as animals aren't separated from Zeds.
  13. Caviano

    Need help

    PM for information to gain access to my mumble server. We run a group of about 15 survivors. All available to help like-minded, relaxed but serious survivors. We shoot out of defense, and help those who contribute to the group.
  14. Caviano

    Two Guys Looking For Group

    PM me if you'd like to join our mumble group. We have about 15 players playing overnight EST. PM only for the mumble info. Good luck out there survivor.
  15. Caviano

    Bad Luck Night Looting

    Same story, different name.
  16. Caviano

    DE111 - I am so sorry

    Good shit dude... good shit.
  17. Caviano

    Would You?

    I would
  18. This explains how everyone should have reacted to the OP. Essentially. If you agreed with the OP, you're just as misinformed as the OP when it comes to the design intent for the game. Search the forums, look for ROCKETS posts... AND NO ONE ELSES.. REad... learn... absorb... THEN create valid suggestions that won't get you laughed out of your parents basement.. I personally LOVE my parents' basement and wouldn't want to get laughed out of there.
  19. Caviano

    New DayzLFG tool launched

    Was filling out the terms... however you need more "Contact me" options. Mumble, Ventrilo, TS3, Xfire, Dayz Forums etc etc... MY group uses mumble because we're not kids who need everyone to hear us all the time on skype. =p Very useful tool, I will use it as soon as it has Mumble in the options. =D
  20. Caviano

    How many FPS could I get?

    9000 fps
  21. Caviano

    Destruction and Mechanics

    LOL Christ... the first idea was fine.. then you started talking about having sex and sprouting little post apacalyptic children. I laughed hard at work and got yelled at... Is this first person, zombie survival SIMS EDITION? You should never bring up that idea again, WOW that was retarded...Marriage is a government sanctioned ceremony to get some benefits. NO GOVERNMENT? NO MARRIAGE!
  22. Caviano

    Implement a leveling system

    WILL NEVER GET IMPLEMENTED. STUPID IDEA. GET OVER IT. ----- Reasons: Too many to name. Skills? The skills you gain in this game come from experience... Experience isn't gauged on a white bar of numbers... no its gauged by time spent learning how to survive. Every life you live, you live it longer, harder, and more efficiently. Every death, brings a longer life. This leveling system idea is -for lack of a better term- FUCKING STUPID.
  23. Caviano

    Melee spawn

    cans can be opened without a knife. oops.
  24. I 'lol' hard when people want to use skype for gaming.