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Everything posted by Caviano

  1. Lol you're so picky on who you recruit. Only reason I read the thread hehe. Good luck sir.
  2. "Hmm, should I buy a game... let me go onto the forums OF THAT COMMUNITIES GAME, and ask whether or not I should buy a game... on the site where everyone congregates to talk ABOUT that said game, and SUPPORT that said game." Sounds like a smart idea to be enticed into a game you may hate. Next time you decide to ask for someone's opinion, I would suggest posting somewhere where you would get an unbiased one. Lol. Not to mention, USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION. So many threads with almost identical titles.
  3. Caviano

    What I think is a good idea.

    Please use search button before posting.
  4. Caviano

    Save my character?

    When you leave a game your character is saved automatically. The game is progressive across all servers connected to the Hive. You must have been killed during login or logout last time you logged in or out. Or perhaps you clicked respawn, or restart.
  5. PM me if you own a microphone and are willing to download/or already have installed, mumble voice client.
  6. Caviano

    how computer intense is dayZ?

    And be sure to close the stupid fucking launcher. Causes massive lag.
  7. Caviano

    North Carolina 10

    Evidence broseph.
  8. Caviano

    Seattle 136

    Nope you lost everything you had on that server duders.
  9. Caviano

    Global Ban

    I'm so confused.
  10. I'd love to team up with you for 30 minutes then shoot you in the face. PM me if interested
  11. Caviano

    Looking for likeminded newbies/willing guides

    PM me for access to my voice communication server and you will be welcome among my ranks. We have a large group of survivors who typically play overnight. (EST). If you own a microphone you're more than welcome to join us. Currently at work at this time, but will be logged in late tonight.
  12. Caviano

    Looking for a partner

    PM if you are willing to download mumble voice client. We have about 15 survivors online during our peak hours. Friendly only, anyone who violates our RoE will be asked to leave.
  13. Hijack? I'm just offering the same offer to everyone who seems to be looking for players to play with. I'm a friendly guy who see's that people are looking for other friendly players, instead of making 1 big post that would get ignored, I get personal and post on peoples threads. Hope there's nothing wrong with that.
  14. Caviano

    Cheater in LU15! God mode

    Sucks bro.
  15. Well you could find players in the mumble channel, I'm just not going to be on till later. But we do have very friendly people who may or may not be idling waiting for a teammate. There are times where we have teammates who cannot play until a friendly brings them food, or morphine or a drink... so maybe you could be the savior of one of my men? =D
  16. Caviano

    A sex system in the game?

    USE YOUR GODDAMN SEARCH BUTTON! If you used it, you would have found countless other threads saying the same thing, and that person being laughed out of the forum. Would've saved you some bad rep.
  17. Caviano

    Bad FPS issue

    turn off the launcher after you select a server for a massive FPS increase.
  18. Caviano

    Players should spawn with a sniper rifle

    Ops an idiot.
  19. Perfect for you, I work nights also, I play between 11pm-7am EST Fridays I'm off so I will probably be pulling some sort of all nighter tonight lol. Almost our entire group plays overnight. Our home server is also a nighttime server during our hours of operation, so I hope you're not afraid of the dark =D
  20. IF you'd like to join a longer committed group, rather than just a pickup and play partner, feel free to PM me. I will share with you my mumble server, and you will have access to about 15-17 other survivors who also frequent the mumble server. We are all friendly, and enjoy working as a team. I am currently at work, but if you do PM me, you're more than welcome to idle in the server
  21. Caviano

    Neutral and Agressive stances

    I'm down for this. +1 Except that sidearms cannot be lowered, therefore just shifting gameplay to constantly having a pistol out instead of a primary.
  22. Caviano

    Some utter wankers playing this game

    This post is all over the place. Are you annoyed at hackers or pkers? If you're annoyed by the first, okay yeah, we all are. If you're annoyed by the latter, then learn how to avoid them. Roll with a group, move inland, proceed with MORE caution than you already are. (Or aren't)
  23. Caviano

    I suggest closed testing

    lol wow. That is all I have to say about that. Let's limit the game to the people who play the game the way it was supposedly SUPPOSED to be played... that way, when the game is "released" (which it won't be), we have no idea how to fix the game in regards to exploits and loopholes that the open beta shows. Think about things dude... think about things.