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Everything posted by Caviano

  1. Caviano

    Starvation and Dehydration are Coming on Quick!

    I can help you, however, the help will take roughly 2 hours to even log in. If you are indeed serious about saving your life, I can help you, PM me and I will give you further instructions. YOU ALSO NEED MATCHES TO COOK MEAT DUDE!!!!
  2. Caviano

    Bandit Tips

    Oh shit, I thought I had the end-all be-all bandit tip but this guy took my crown.. .. dickbag. XD
  3. Caviano


    you are in pain, you were most likely shot and you must take painkillers to stop the shakey screen.
  4. Caviano

    Bandit Tips

    Best bandit tip: Go die.
  5. Caviano


    If you have mumble, PM me. I should be logging in, in roughly 1.5 hours. You will be granted access to my mumble server and welcome to join the others. (NO ONE ELSE PM ME, I AM DENYING ANYONE WHO MESSAGES ME WITHOUT ME GIVING EXPLICIT PERMISSION, sorry but my inbox gets flooded)
  6. Caviano


    =D most appreciated sir. Be safe survivor.
  7. Caviano

    Not so Enjoyable.

    If you own a microphone and are 18+, download mumble and PM me. I can help. Check my profile for any and all credibility you need.
  8. Caviano


    Or how about you learn who to trust based on credibility? For example, I offer my help to any and all who need it. Doesn't mean I'm going to go meet them unequipped and without backup. Don't start causing mass paranoia because you've made bad choices. Terrible choice on your part. But that's no ones fault but yours. ---- Also change the title to "forum" not "thread". THIS is a thread... this site is a FORUM.
  9. Caviano

    Add an RV

    Gotta love 1 post suggestions.
  10. Caviano

    Truth Time Rockett

    'Guess you haven't been on many threads that aren't fucking stupid.
  11. Caviano

    Truth Time Rockett

    You have absolutely NO OBLIGATION to interact with 99% of the global population of the game. Are you really that fucking retarded not to realize that if you don't want to, you never have to interact with another human if you wanted to? Pick a server with population of 0 and have a ball. This isn't an MMO where you're stuck in one server with a set amount of people... you're not even obligated to come on the forums.. and if it wasn't for the forums or server lists with population numbers, you would have ABSOLUTELY no clue how many players there were. Really it's self explanatory, Me having to write this is fucking retarded. You don't have to interact with forum posts either. You just choose to.
  12. Caviano

    Truth Time Rockett

    LOLOLOL Are you fucking retarded? TOO many testers.. on a game that has DIFFERENT SERVERS? WITH DIFFERENT AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE? Dude gtfo, you're a moron.
  13. Kill yourself and respawn. Or head EAST.
  14. I believe you can change the voice files to insert mp3s instead of the "Cover me" "going in!" and other shoutouts.
  15. Caviano

    Truth Time Rockett

  16. Caviano

    Getting rid of player kills in the hud.

    The answer is to keep track of ONLY bandit kills. This would increase the amount of shots fired as a result of hearing your heart beat while looking at a bandit. It's not necessarily a penalty for being a bandit, but the good people of the world would be less frightened by a silent staredown. I like the idea, needs more looking into.' However, the entire debug menu is just a beta thing I think... it's a DEBUG menu after all... Kind of like the F3 function in minecraft.. something that really shouldn't be there,.
  17. Caviano

    Truth Time Rockett

    So long as you feel better having that off your chest, that's all that matters.
  18. Caviano

    Second Ambush

    Perfect example of why Third person view should be removed.
  19. Caviano

    Give your beans? Forums?

    Same as a "like"
  20. If you wear a ghillie suit right now it will wipe your inventory... that being said... I'l trade you 10 for a can of coke.
  21. Caviano

    Mandatory 3rd person disabled

    I wouldn't consider those "peripheral" dots. I've come accustomed to referring to them as visible noise indicators helpful to those without surround sound. Left and right ears. And actually after watching an interview with Rocket I'm pretty sure that's what he intended it to be. However if you can prove me wrong, I will stand corrected.
  22. Caviano

    Mandatory 3rd person disabled

    +1. 100% correct. Also remove tags on regular servers. Completely unfair advantages. And also these advantages come to an even more extreme disadvantage to new players who think "regular" servers are going to help them warm into the game. Which no, it just gives more experienced players, an easy warzone to pick off new players with their built in range finder. COMPLETELY immoral thing to have servers dictate what type of play the server will uphold when our characters are all bound to the same hive... If we have one life across all servers, all servers should run the same rules.
  23. It's hard to take ANYONE on board who does not have a microphone, feel free to add me to friends and contact me once you have a valid way of communicating.