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Everything posted by Caviano

  1. My load times have been quite fine. I applaud all the survivors out there staying alive in these dire times. Hurrah!
  2. Caviano

    Lootable furniture?

  3. Caviano

    Where can I get my first gun?

    If you're new and have not much to lose, head to main town and search the residential apartment complexes for some civilian styled self defense handguns. Low noise, lots of ammunition lying around, decent damage. Good luck sir. If you ever need extra assistance feel absolutely welcome to PM me.
  4. Caviano

    Why do Bandits exist?

    He was a server hopper clearing the loot so he could leave and have a new spawn. Nice job sounding ignorant to what he was doing... Nice job stopping his faggot ass.
  5. Caviano

    DayZ Do's and Don'ts

    I love green mountain, always a good zombie battle there.
  6. Caviano

    its just funny..

    Not even near the point of the thread.
  7. I recently received a warning from a self righteous mod who feels his opinions are more valid than the average forum poster, and I was very upset thinking that this warning would make others think less of me. But then I noticed, I've NEVER seen a warning level on anyone else... Is this warning level shown to other players? Thanks in advance.
  8. Caviano

    its just funny..

    So report the server, and have them removed. . .
  9. Caviano

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    Thread should've closed after this. Bravo.
  10. I want a wife to play DayZ with man. That's wicked. I'm so pissed that you can't play together right now, that's lame. Sorry I can't help, just wanted to help fuel your rage about this. Best of luck pal.
  11. Caviano

    New player looking for a good server

    I thought so too. But seems the admins are all corrupt as well.
  12. Have you not read the posts?
  13. Caviano

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    There are attachements, just not removable ones. Silenced sniper rifles will kill the game. If you are being heard with sniper shots by zombies, you're too close and you're a bad sniper. Nothing else matters. A sniper would not use a silencer if he is at a true overwatch range.
  14. Caviano

    Omg were are the vampires?

    Reported. What a waste.
  15. Caviano

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    This is the answer. Nothing else matters.
  16. Caviano

    Buying blood transfuse mate

    gotta microphone? PM me for my mumble information and I will meet with you.
  17. Caviano

    Minecraft - DayZ

    I'll watch when I'm not at work, if you like this comment, I'll remember when I get home.
  18. Caviano


    Are flame throwers even viable modern weapons anymore? And if was a rigged one... made by a civilian, it wouldn't be found in military areas. I say nay to this idea. Sorry dude.
  19. Caviano

    Nametags not turning on?

    Problem: Choppers, hackers, god moders. Solution: Nametags ??????????? I think they should be set to 1 for on, 0 for off. Not that this will fix your hacker problem I don't think, will just drive away players who want to play with rules that make sense. EG) not playing with nametags and auto distance checkers.
  20. Over 18? got a mic? Wanna play with Americans? PM me if you're willing to join a mumble server in order to communicate (mumble.com) hope to hear from you. We have a nice network of friendlies.
  21. Caviano

    Gas powered 'stove' for cooking

    So people can carry stoves these days? Wow.
  22. You must be new. lol. If you're LOOKING for a fight, and can't find one, you're doing something wrong. It's hard as shit just to AVOID gunfire.