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287 Excellent

About Caviano

  • Rank
    Bean King

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New York City
  • Interests
    Helping others, forming a network of helpful and friendly people to better the society for all.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    If you'd like to contact me or schedule a meet, please PM me requesting mumble information. The only PMs that I find worth replying to are the ones inquiring about joining the mumble server. I find it very hard to stay attached to people through messages, and like having verbal conversations.

    Hope to meet every friendly survivor out there.
  1. Caviano

    Using Skype, and losing in game sound

    Auto attentuation type feature. Check your volume mixer after you're in the call with skype.
  2. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    Wait... so because you guys got fucked by Lam... I can't continue to help people? This makes so much sense my brain exploded you fucking dickbag. The reasoning for this slander was self satisfaction at my reputation being ruined, something you knew I wanted to raise. So mission accomplished, you've cancelled a lot of future contacts. Mission won douche. So the next guy I come across and help, I'll be sure he gets my name, and I'll keep on helping every fucking person I can. My goals haven't changed. I'm The Maniacal Wasteland Saint I do what I do for self satisfaction, and because it makes people happy. OH MAN, LOOK OUT!!!!!
  3. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    I'd like to know where everyone's opinions were around this time: By the looks of it, Locke seemed to enjoy the entire thing... I'm a bit confused... So.. what was Ray saying? http://dayzmod.com/f...nt/#entry396656
  4. Caviano

    Removal of "zoom"? [in standalone?]

    This ends the thread everybody. /Applause. /Thread
  5. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    Just wanted to get some charitable folk together to do good things. Then I get slandered out of nowhere. I don't know man. I don't know.
  6. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    Looks like I chose my friends wisely.
  7. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    True, it's just a bit hard to navigate at night without night vision, and without exploiting gamma and brightness levels. (Which I refuse to do) Call me a dork, but I want to feel the intensity of the night.
  8. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    Sang Santeria and What I Got, around a campfire, on an empty server.
  9. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    As shown from my posts, and topics, and profile info, my goal was to help any friendly survivor, or anyone in general who needed a helping hand. Whether it be from advice, tips and tricks, to morphine, or a can of beans. I played DayZ and INSTANTLY wanted to be recognized for something good and great. The group quickly became gather and hoard. I just wanted to do the right thing. In my 2 weeks, I managed to help out 2 folks. an Australian named Jack, who fired at a teammate out of scared self defense. (see paragraph 2 of rant) I spoke to him, talked him down, gave him my word that he'd be safe, blood bagged him, and bid him farewell. As well as one forum user who requested Morphine at the NW airfield. (There is a video of this deed on Dr Wastelands thread) It's these deeds that I enjoy filling my time with. I'm sorry for possibly miscommunicating this to my team, but I thought my intentions were well known.
  10. He plays arma2 gooder than he players it beforererer because uv duh day ZZZ
  11. Caviano

    Putting Together a New Group

    Appreciate the sentiment, thanks duders.
  12. Caviano

    LF people to partner up with

    PvP around Elektro? P v unarmed civilians more like it! BAH ZINNGGG
  13. Caviano

    Zombie Minefield

    Too many zeds on the dance floor!
  14. Caviano

    To all PvP/Bug's complainers

    This sounds weird.