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Everything posted by Viperko

  1. This happened to me:I plaid alone as usual, after logging in i instantly saw a tractor, a working one.I took it and drove off, untill i see not 1 but 2 crashed choppers side by side.Found as50 and other poorer weapons.After this i decided to go find some engi parts for the tractor.After a 20mins of searching i hear a helicopter,i fired 3 rnds from my as50 that i had just found.It turned out that i just dropped a heli with 5ppl inside,everyone with ghillie,4x coyote pack, 2x L85TWS, 1x Mk48, m4 silenced among other nice stuff.I pulled my tractor beside the burning wreck and loaded it up with the loot and drowe off in to the sunset ;) True story