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About giygusattack

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. giygusattack

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Here is a possible bug: While playing with a friend, we raided the supermarket in Stary Sobor. About a minute after leaving town, my character suddenly teleports back to the Stary Sobor supermarket. I try leaving town again, and about a minute out I'm once again teleported back to the supermarket. Worried about losing my gear, I escape the market and abort from server after I get a relatively safe distance from the city. First time something like that happened to me, it was a low ping server and I was given no signal that I was having connection issues. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  2. giygusattack

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Had much fun with the new patch this weekend. Definitely more difficult, but enjoyable. Some Suggestions: Storing Guns/Disappearing Items in Backpack - It would be great to be able store a rifle/sidearm in my bag for later while using a hatchet for general exploring. Maybe it could take up a significant portion of the bag, so as to avoid hoarding. I don't think this would give the survivors too great an advantage and would allow more tactical options to the player. At the very least take away the option to move the gun to the backpack, as all it does now is make guns/tools disappear. Starting Weapons - While I agree that the lack of a starting weapon can make for a more exciting game, I think right now it encourages frustration and banditry more. The players are so vulnerable at spawn, it seems to create a lot more "false starts" (Games that end after the first zombie/bandit attack). A Makarov with 6 clips is too much, but a Makarov with 1 clip would allow a player at least a chance to defend themselves against a single attack by bandit or zombie; and maybe make those sadistic players hanging around the beaches ready to pop those who spawn defenselessy think twice. - Randomized Spawn Loot Right now everyone starts the same items, but what if each player started with something different. Maybe one character starts with some baked beans and another starts with a morphine. Assuming these players aren't sadistic murderers, I think this opens the door for more cooperation. Just a thought. Thanks for the hard work, look forward to playing more in the future.
  3. giygusattack

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Excited to try the new hotfix, thanks for your work. I've noticed some people saying the morphine spawn rate seems low and I feel inclined to agree with them. Last night, a friend of mine crawled for nearly three hours without finding any morphine; despite being able to investigate various buildings including a hospital. As to how he was able to do this, he received a large stash of winchester ammo after my blood and bones were eviscerated while proning through a door. Seriously though, EVERYTHING in this game breaks your bones; maybe more of an ARMA 2 collision detection issue than DayZ code, but when you combine that with the zombies increased rate of bone breaking; it just seems like a method for fixing broken bones should be more accessible. I still think that there should be some sort of starting weapon, but I'm interested in trying the no weapon spawn with the new zombie detection.
  4. I am in the camp that thinks the zombies have too strong of an advantage in this update. On a philosophical level, I don't think zombies should have super human speed, hearing, and sight. But there is no room for philosophy in the zombie apocalypse so I'll let that one slide. - Zombies are alerted by gunfire, I get that; but if I shoot one zombie on the outskirts of town, I feel like every zombie around the corner shouldn't instantly come running (especially when the zombies seem to be spawning so much more frequently). I would like to see a mechanic where zombies outside of the players direct LOS would not instantly aggro from gunfire. These zombies would instead be alerted to that position, and begin shambling in the direction of the sound; going aggro only when catching sight of the player. The zombies wouldn't overwhelm the player as easily, but they would become much more ominous threat. - I think there should be a slight decrease in the distance which a zombie can see/hear you while crouch walking. It doesn't seem to me that there is much difference between jogging and crouch walking as far as attracting zombies is concerned. - No starting weapons also seems cruel. Granted, I maybe felt a little too secure with a makarov and 6 clips; but you gotta have something. Maybe a makarov with one clip, or a hatchet/crowbar at only half durability?
  5. giygusattack

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hey all, having some major problems with this update. Hoping someone could help. I've reinstalled Arma 2, the beta patch, and DayZ mod files per this guide: http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=How_to_install_DayZ I seem to get a different error whenever I load the game. Currently, my error is that my character spawns in a large open field and appears invisible (hand/gun model cannot be seen); other game models such as trees/bushes/buildings also do not load. Occasionally, it will spawn me in the debug forest with no sound. This error will allow me to play, but will flash a message saying that I'm running an incorrect version of DayZ code. I've tried updating using the worrom updater, as well as manually through http://www.dayzmod.com/downloads.php. Has anyone else had this much trouble updating?