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Everything posted by magebuss

  1. magebuss

    How to fill jerry cans?

    right click on the jerrycan in your inventory and be close to a fueltank/station. Make sure its in your active gear and not backpack GL
  2. remember the name of the server, write it down. Next time you play use the ingame filter or a launcher like 'Six Launcher' and type the server name in. This will work the same when you wanna play with your mate. 1 of you picks the server, passes the name of it to you throught TS2, Vent, Skype, Mumble etc etc You enter that name in the filter or Launcher and join servers. For meeting up ingame you shud use an online map dayzdb.com/map. You can only see your location when you spawn so make sure you both write it down and search for it on the online map. There you can see and decide how you both shud run to meet up. When you found an ingame map, some servers provide your positiion on the ingame map, others dont. GL!
  3. magebuss

    [VIDEO] Saving Private Ryan - the DayZ version

    awwwwwww this shit is ready to be the Leroy Jenkins movie from Dayz. First beans i gave to anything on this forum!!!
  4. magebuss

    Video of car/bus chase and shootout

    i approve that snipermate of urs. :thumbsup:
  5. magebuss

    [VIDEO] Kidnapping ends badly

    WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT, nice shooting there.. sick. nice
  6. magebuss

    SGT. Doom cheat

    * Server this happened on. - EU2 * Time that it happened including your timezone. 21:30 o clock GMT +1 * What happened during the incident. Mister SGT. Doom was following us out of nowhere. We asked him to continue his own path as he cudnt follow us. Because he didnt listen to ingame voice and chat we decided to shoot. My mate emptied a 8rnd shotgun clip in him, I emptied a Ak74 clip. DOOM stood still and we saw the blood. didnt even break a leg. BUt DOOM didnt die. He run very fast aswell and kept following us. We disconnected so mayb he wud loose his intrest in him.
  7. Lolled at that. We like your likes and dislikes your dislikes. i mail you thru the dayz mail option up top
  8. magebuss

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Id go for the option: Dayz logo + underneath the text 'Friendly?'
  9. magebuss

    City names

    i dont think developers want the game to be this merciless. Just need to be lucky the server shows your position, if you are this lucky to have a map. Otherwise learn to use compass, internetmap and geographical waypoints. Kisses
  10. magebuss

    Fun with direct communication voice chat

    aw the first good reason to use a grenade upon. No seriously, lmao
  11. I had this before, chatwindow going spamming red text. I eventually got kicked from the server. But after i joined again it automatically updated tp the needed version. Just keep trying ;)
  12. anymore got kicked from playing server and not able to reconnect?