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About SinDin86

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Bio
    Gamer who likes playing games and chilling.
  1. SinDin86

    Partner for DayZ

    hey its chill we all played together for like 5 hours and we both died. its pretty cool having a friend to play dayz with
  2. SinDin86

    Partner for DayZ

    sindin86 :)
  3. SinDin86

    Partner for DayZ

    hey man i just got this game and im also looking for someone to play with im 16 is would also like somone trustworthy. send me a private message if you want to play. :) hay man you have your messaging thing disabled i cant PM you :( do you have skype that we can use to communicate or steam or somtihng? :)
  4. SinDin86

    Can't Join any Server's!

    This is also happening to me please help!