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Everything posted by keeyul

  1. keeyul

    Update frequency?

    I really don´t get the point of your post. There were 3 Patches in 2 days after the release of the SA and they all fixed serious problems in the game. You say say you don´t want to complain, but whats the meaning of all the sentences behind your question then?^^ I can only guess, but I think all of the devs have workesd hard to release this game as a kind of ealry christmass gift for us and they deserve their vacation. And I´m sure they will release the first patches soon after new year. I dont mind if they even take another 2 weeks. Qualitiy is more importtant than numbers... I think you should just be patient. They know what they do. There WILL be updates soon, otherwise it would not make sense to start this alpha...
  2. keeyul

    server hop ghosting SOLUTION!!!

    I really agree with the OP! Beans for that :D In my opinion quite a nice solution, but we have to consider the reason for lootcycling... The solution works great to prevent combat logs and ghosting, but i guess the main reason for a lot of casuals(me included ;) ) to do server hopping is to find loot. The feeling to play 3-4h and to find NOTHING on a server does not contribute to a good experience and so I found myself lootcycling, only to get some necessary stuff to survive...On the other hand, if I found a recently restarted one, I got everything I need in about 30 mins. The solution the OP mentioned is good, but there needs to be solutions for the lootspawningsystem aswell, or casuals will just stop playing at this point. We all want a hard game, but it shouldn´t be necessary to play a whole day only to find an axe...^^ We should never forget the reasons for things like this, because they are by no means random :D
  3. keeyul

    How I imagine most of the Dayz Community

    Made my day :D