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About cdr

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    Auckland, NZ
  1. cdr

    a DayZ MOVIE, this is Day Zed the Intro

    Easiest way, set a waypoint for the unit close / on top of it then in the 'On Act' part of the waypoint use; unit action ["sitDown", targetUnit] Where unit and targetUnit is the name of the soldier you want to sit, eg sol1 action ["sitDown", sol1]. According to the wiki, the unit needs to have a careless behaviour mode set, but I just tried it without changing the behaviour mode and it seemed to work ok. There'll be a way you can do it without the use of a waypoint, but I suspect that'll be calling individual animation states rather than using the generic 'sitDown' command.
  2. Hey guyz, I have a legit M1A1 Abrams... I didn't spawns it in, and its not on the wiki, but the wiki isn't run by the devs so that cant be trusted. And I didnt know cos I'm new and stuff and I found it while flying my apaches and that. All legit. I applaud all the admins who kick / ban people for using it (and other non-legit weapons). Ignorance is not an excuse. It's just a shame I'm on the other side of the world Stalker, else your server would be my new home. The key part of that Bushman is 'then they stopped spawning them'... the chances of a weapon that was spawned in in the initial stages of the alpha still being in circulation is extremely low. 99.999999% of TWS' found today would have originated from a scripter - therefore, not legit.
  3. Just as an aside, the Battleye message that was pumping out to the servers about 11,000 cheaters banned since June 15 etc, now has been changed to this; Hopefully it means progress for you guys.
  4. cdr

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Thought I'd create myself a new BG, inspired by the opening intro to the TV show Strike Back (season 2).
  5. Pretty much the entire server got slain just now, well, about 30 mins ago - 2200 NZST (1000 GMT). No idea who it was, but 4 of us in our clan were all together, and we all got killed at exactly the same time near the NWAF. Sadly lost everything - hey ho, back to Elektro!
  6. cdr

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Edited screenshot;
  7. 3 pretty much stationary targets in an enclosed space, at Balota against fresh spawns - not exactly a difficult number of shots. Not a bad vid tho. Although I don't think it's particularly 'good form' to take a weapon like that to the coast, I don't begrudge people who do - part of the danger, part of the fun, part of the game.
  8. Nice work - great vid.
  9. Same as everyone else, log out and then log back in later to a different server - gear all gone. Bit annoying, lost NVG, AS50, Coyote etc. Now I feel naked :( Location : Sth Berezino Version : (Latest Arma Beta 94444)
  10. cdr

    No night time.

    Fair enough :)
  11. cdr

    No night time.

    Isn't nt = name tags? You do also realise that your player clock and the server clock gets desync'd the moment you start playing (your watch runs faster). So when you think you're at night, the server is still in the day. Then when the server restarts, or you reconnect, your watch gets resync'd returning you to the 'correct' server time. Which may seem like when the server has been restarted it's reset its clock (because its gone from night to day), but all that's happened is you're now running at the correct time. Give it a try, play on a server for about 30 mins, then get a mate to join - your watches will be out of sync (his will be the correct time). Its why it's beneficial to reconnect to a server after a few hours of play, because you could be at quite a disadvantage (particularly around dawn / dusk).
  12. cdr

    US Kansas 1 Nuked

    Cheers Jeff, Didn't notice that there was a 2nd thread about the jet - would have posted in there :(
  13. George Smith was the name that came up on the F35 when we had the x-hair over it. Granted it might not have been him that spawned it in (he could have found it and then jumped in it), but I think the chances are pretty slim. Thanks for the quick reply :)
  14. Hi Jeff, Excellent couple of servers! Saw a hacker / equipment spawner on Kansas 1 yesterday (29th June) @ 2137 NZST (1037 GMT), he was flying over Krastanav in an F35. Unfortunately the screenshot didn't catch his name, but, a mate and I can confirm that it was a player called 'George Smith'; Hopefully you can find the culprit in the logs. Thanks again for the great set of servers.
  15. cdr

    US Kansas 1 Nuked

    Couldn't post this yesterday (forgot my password!), but while on Kansas 1 on the 29th June @ 2137 NZST (GMT 1037hrs), me and a mate while around Krast heard a jet flying overhead. As he flew back over I managed to grab a screenshot; As you can see, it's an F35 (which I'm almost certain isn't in game). Unfortunately the screenshot didn't display his name, but my mate did get it - George Smith. Wonder if it was the same guy who nuked the server? Will post the same details on the Kansas 1 thread in the other forum. Cheers!