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Everything posted by joker76

  1. I don't read the forums enough to know if this has already been suggested or not, but in an attempt to add some sort of deterrent towards killing fellow survivors... If you are killed by another survivor, the 'murderer' should be location-tagged, i.e. a persistent position/distance marker on the screen of the person he killed - this could remain visible for a fixed amount of time (i.e. anything up-to ten minutes). This would give the victim a chance to get some payback, and also leave the murderer with something to seriously think about before and after he takes the life of a fellow survivor. You could develop the idea, so for example the more people you killed, the longer the 'location-tag' remains visible (the location-tag duration would reset back to the default once the murderer has been killed). ... or, rather than it being persistent, maybe it could popup for a few seconds, once a minute, for ten-minutes. Additionally, if someone is killing several people, as well as being 'location-tagged' for anyone he killed, the server could perhaps make the same location-tag visible for a small but random number of players on the server. For example, if I've just killed three survivors in a row, then as well as being location-tagged for ten-minutes for each of those guys, I'm also location-tagged for 60-seconds on the screen of one other random survivor. If I kill again, then I'm location-tagged for 60-seconds on the screen of two random survivors. ... just a thought. :)