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Everything posted by Muukentuuken

  1. Muukentuuken

    AU23 - Red Button Labs Public Hive

    Way better than shitty ANZ servers. I can actually play a couple weeks even months before I get owned by either hackers or overzealous admins.
  2. Muukentuuken

    [AUS] Bob 'n' Pals [B&P] Recruiting

    Where do I sign up?
  3. And I just love coming to threads like these because I'm experiencing the same exact thing only to see elite players like you who expect everyone else to possess the same amazing, god-gifted zombie slashing 6th sense that you carry with you into battle like a badge on these servers. :angel: :idea: Point is the combination of bone breaking zombies, who also have more sensitive hearing than before and not being able to slow crawl without a weapon leads many of us to continuously respawn over and over. Dont know what games you play, but its not fun crawling for 2 hours, sorry. Clearly you're doing it wrong. I slow prone past zombies and just fast crouch into houses. And if you get chased by zombies just run into a house and run out the back end. Most houses have back doors. Its piss easy, most people are fine with the game, its just the cry babies that make people think this game is impossible. I got the game 2 days ago and played only a few hours a day and I'm already bossing through it solo. It doesn't take 6th sense zombie l33t skills to get through. It just takes some time to learn the mechanics and get good. Crying on forums certainly doesn't help with either of those. especially the getting good part.
  4. Muukentuuken

    Official [ZSK] Recruitment

    IGN : MuukenTuuken Skype : mr.happychappy
  5. Hi all, I'm looking for a group. I know my way around DayZ but I'm just looking for a group to roll with. I make a mean sniper and I once held out on top of the Fire Station in Elektro against a couple banditos. Above all, I'm just looking to have some fun. So hit me up and we can RICKROLL THIS WASTELAND! steam - Muukentuuken (the one with the notbad.jpg) Skype - mr.happychappy
  6. I just love coming on to threads like these were noobs expect to run into a town of zombies and get away unharmed. This isn't CoD, L4D, Zombie Panic, Black Ops Zombies. You can't bunny hop to victory. Play it smart. Stay safe and MOST IMPORTANTLY!! SNEAK!!! FFS. Stop crying about a game being too hard. I only had the game 2 days ago and now I'm doing fine. Sneaking my way into airfields, getting good gear and just pwning the lil bitches crying about this game too hard because they think they can apply their other game techniques into this one. I love it when I see noobs running straight down Elektro or Cherno with a pack of 20+ Zeds behind them. What I love even more is planting a bullet in their heads and sending them back to the beach where they belong.