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About NoobCanoe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NoobCanoe

    Spawning in groups

  2. NoobCanoe

    Spawning in groups

    I have been trying to play together with a friend for a while now and it just isnt possible. We spawn in completely different locations and have no chance of finding eachother. My suggestion is either a) The option to spawn together somehow or b) to get a map or heck, just even a compass at spawning so that you can eventually find one another. I was literally sitting in a skype conversation with a friend who wanted to play with me and we spent 2 hours trying to at least find a way to determine our location and find a way to even find eachother. We had no idea how to do it. Because the game (I think) is way more fun if you play in a group.
  3. I think there definitely has to be a penalty for mindlessly shooting at people. It is so incredibly frustrating dodging zombies, finally finding some good loot just to run into somebody who fires one shot at you and you die. It doesnt make me angry, it makes me simply sad and not want to play this game anymore. I mean, who spends 25 bucks for ARMA II and the Expansion just to ruin other peoples games? It is hard enough to get out of the way of other zombies. I don't want to be in constant fear of some douchebags who just wanna shoot people as well. Because if this goes on, I have no intentions of continueing to play this game. For these people it takes literally a second to shoot you and ruin your character you have been working on for multiple hours. Please take some actions!