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Everything posted by alsmir

  1. alsmir

    True Hardcore servers!

    One hacker = server wipe - gg
  2. alsmir


    Tbh I'd love the similar system Chivalry has ;] Damn, it would be cool to have a skill based melee combat.
  3. alsmir

    Your first kill

    ~10 minutes after first respawn Top of firestation in Elektro, found Ak-74 there and on my way down the stairs encountered 2 dudes trying to put down wire fence to block the entrance. Emptied my mag into them, great feeling. It was a usefull lesson - always look for a weapon first - then supplies. Works perfect every time.
  4. alsmir

    Lack of squad combat- Discuss

    Every single squad I know from the mod is waiting for SA to become at least half-decent. Hopefully you'll see more squad combat in 6+ months (if most of game breaking issues get fixed). Just play some Arma2/3 while you wait.
  5. alsmir

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    1. So you're an expert when it comes to developing games? 2. You're mixing my post with what vwarriorv said. 3. You can't understand even a simple sentence. 4. You should think about some kind of anger management therapy. Have a good day.
  6. alsmir

    What Broke You?

    I've only played there for a couple of hours. Not a single death yet. Edit: Pretty sure I use a different nick there.
  7. alsmir

    What Broke You?

    = I can't aim or sneak around + my reflexes are bad so I just run straight at everyone shouting "friendly!". Then, after staring at black screen, I come to the forums and pretend I'm a hero with mad skills.
  8. alsmir

    Ammo Calibration : Poll & Discussion

    So I won't have to decide whether keep using pristine AKM that I have 15 rounds for or badly damaged M4 but with 60 rounds? How about: pistol ammo, assault rifle ammo etc.? That crap gets less funny every day, if you're too lazy to implement system that works in multiple different games (even in DayZ mod) maybe you're better off making burgers rather than creating games?
  9. alsmir

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    In b4 more "alpha durr" posts and wave of blind fanboys flaming you. You should probably know that thesse forums are only for people derping how awesome the game is and not for players who actually care about quality of the final product.
  10. alsmir

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    God forbid anyone posts negative feedback so the game could actually get better.
  11. alsmir

    What would be a realistic level of stamina/run time?

    Depends. Some fat Joe might say that jogging for 1km is a lot, but a fit person can easily jog for 10km. Weigh of equipment should be a very important factor though.
  12. alsmir

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    So many brown-nosers...
  13. alsmir

    for balancing the pvp

    Pople who complain about PvP are simply bad at it. Either get better or accept the fact that you'll keep getting killed.
  14. Back to playing the mod. Dayzed for example offers better survival than any other mod I've seen so far. Wish I could be as optimistic, but I've been following all the SA news since ~october 2012 and I expected something more advanced than unplayable game with extremly slow progress rate.
  15. alsmir

    Death timer

    Carebears would cry even more than now.
  16. alsmir

    Remove In-game Player List

    Player limit - X (real number) Players online - low (0,01-0,33*max), medium (0,34-066*max), high (0,67-0,99*max) + empty/full Simple as that.
  17. alsmir

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    Don't know a single good sniper that would bother playing SA in it's current status. Personally I'm keeping my skills sharp playing Arma (ACE) and waiting for SA to become playable.
  18. Yeah, but stuff like: - Biggest fish caught. - Meat burned. - Batteries licked. etc.
  19. alsmir

    How difficult would you like the game to be?

    I was under impression that we're talking about hypotetical situtation in the future of SA and not about how we behave right now.
  20. alsmir

    How difficult would you like the game to be?

    Oh sorry, I'll do anything to survive even if it is shooting someone for the chance of getting his food and not starving myself.
  21. alsmir

    Has anyone accidently shot their friend?

    I got shot once. Lesson learned, always communicate when you change position in the middle of firefight. Killed my friend twice. Don't feel guilty about it at all. Both times I asked very clearly on TS if it's him and got no response.
  22. alsmir

    Weapon accuracies

    About the 2nd part: What's the point if someone have already done it? It's not like I'll never use that gun myself, but at least I know what to expect. I like how it works in ACE with wind direction and speed being an extra factor. I really feel like it shows actuall skill, because there is no shortcut for success. When I was playing with my friend a mission on a big open map, both sniping and he asked me how do I hit so much often, all I could say was: "I know that rifle very well, I constantly check the wind and I just have more practice". Judging distance and calculating your bullet drop + wind effect is definitely something that takes a lot of time to learn and I feel it should be part of DayZ long range shooting instead of rng that reminds me of RPG games (% chance to hit)
  23. alsmir

    Weapon accuracies

    Explaination taken from guide for WoT so it might be a bit innacurate, but the general rule is: Each gun available in the game has its own accuracy (also called dispersion), given in meters over 100 meters distance. For example a gun with accuracy 0,35 m means, that most shells fired at the enemy, which is distant from us at 100 m, will land at 0,35 m from the middle of the sight.
  24. alsmir

    Weapon accuracies

    If I have raw data avaiable I can skip hours of testing it myself and just enjoy the game. I don't mind some mystery in the game, but if death means resetting your character completly and my weapon is my chance to survive then I want to know how much I can rely on it - either by checking offline stats or many, many hours of testing in-game. I've done same thing in DayZ where I would load shooting range for Arma2 just to test my weapons in safe environment. That's how I roll, I want to know how game mechanics. There's plenty of other areas of DayZ that no statistics or guide cover (how people behave in certain situations, or which loot spawns are least visited).
  25. alsmir

    Weapon accuracies

    What's wrong with trying to figure out how the game mechanics work?