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Everything posted by alsmir

  1. alsmir

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    People can't handle it when someone tells them they're shit. They're used to games that give them special treatement: Do a trival thing - experience points + achievement. Make a mistake - start from last checkpoint/load game. Game is too hard? Choose easy difficulty, where absolutely nothing will go wrong no matter how bad you fuck up. DayZ is different and they can't grasp it. Get better or get out situation, which leads to: "But getting better takes effort and I don't want to put any effort, I just want to have fun without using my brain like in other games"
  2. alsmir

    What Do You Want to See When you die?

    Abolutely no info about who shot you, how many times, weapon and distance. Get some bloody awareness if you want that info or tell your alive teammates to get a clue, because this is what you want: quick info for your group who shot you and from which position.
  3. alsmir

    Starting weapon

    Gtfo and use your fists.
  4. alsmir

    what is your most spectacular death?

    Well, once I spawned on the roof of the building. No stairs, no ladders. Didn't survive the fall...
  5. alsmir

    What is the point of this game?

    Just do whatever the hell you want. There's a lot of options, use your imagination. If it doesn't work for you I suggest sticking to the games that guide you from one objective to another.
  6. alsmir

    Best size squad?

    3-6 imo 2 - easy to communicate, can work quite fine for the most of the time, but if you get ambushed and one of you gets immidiately killed - you're fucked 6+ is too much of a clusterfuck on TS/Vent, in combat you will have people talking all the time, because they need to if you don't want to pop your teammates by accident. @ Munson_fry Meh, you just need to babysit them. It will work as long as they can shut up and follow orders. But it can get annoying: - Where are you? - What? You were behind me just a second ago! - I don't see you. -Look to your right... You're other right! -Ohh...
  7. alsmir

    Long-term suggestions, are they possible?

    How about no?
  8. alsmir

    Cooking meat doesnt work!

    From my experience cooking works differently depending where do you make a fireplace. Indoors preferred: barns, houses, etc. When cooking outside my character keeps randomly bitching about the strong wind that makes it hard to make a fire and meet took like 2 times longer to cook. Moreover, fix the goddamn time it takes for meat to go from cooked to burned. Obviously whoever implemented it never cooked anything irl. Btw, priceless experience when I told my teammates to not eat burned meat. They did it anyway and started to vomit in the middle of a firefight later.
  9. I don't want to see any achievements tbh. I like how pure DayZ gameplay is. People do what they do because they want to do it. Nothing like: must complete the mission objective or need this and that for an achievement. Isn't it better to see what people do for fun and how creative they can be rather than giving them objectives that will make some activities extra popular?
  10. alsmir

    Do you want moderation of the mods on DayZ?

    Mods didn't destroy shit, players did. If some dipshits want to play ezmode overwatch or epoch forcing them to play regular DayZ will just make them quit.
  11. alsmir

    need help making a Computer for DayZ Mod

    Sure. 1.5 year ago I bought mine for around 350 dollars and it runs DayZ just fine. Just don't expect flawless performance but it's engine's fault.
  12. alsmir

    DAYZ SA Suggestions

    Sorry for the late reply, but you know - weekend and stuff. From what I've seen on different servers it depends on server preferences. Server adims are able to set it up. Typical options were: Tents - don't despawn on server restart. If a tent is empty or not used for ~2 weeks it despawns. If you interact with it the timer is reset. Popular setting was - after death you have x days to interact with your tents (usually shorter timer here) or they will despawn. It worked quite fine. You didn't have to log in every day to keep your tents, but bugged tents that can't be open, and tents that are no longer used would despawn regularly. Similar situation with cars. They'd despawn if nobody would use them for a certain time (1-2 weeks usually), after that they would spawn on next server reset on one of their spawn points. I've got absolutelly no clue how it will work in SA, but since the previous system worked fine I really hope they will re-introduce it. On the other hand I've seen enough great mechanics that worked in the mod changed for worse, to not be a bit afraid.
  13. I was new and clueless once. But I've made some reasearch and I knew that others could kill me, so I was bloody carefull. It was all that I needed to survive my first moments. I just stayed away from major cities and run like hell whenever I've heared a gunshot. How the fck is that complicated? Pople can do whatever they want so... they do wahtever they want. Call the cops! Lmao. Carebear PvP hater talking about a challenge. No fcking wonder CptLobster called you a dipshit so many times. Balistics are for idiots, the real challange is picking up berries.
  14. alsmir

    How will you play, Hardcore or Standard

    As long as the server is good - I don't care. Played both, like both.
  15. Berries + apples, learn where you can find them. Water sources: lakes, rivers, pumps. You can survive in SA without a single item in your inventory if your only problem is thirst and hunger.
  16. You do realize that you'd still need to gear up a character on that other server? When we get tents people will have an easy way to stash extra gear so dying won't be such a problem anyway.
  17. alsmir

    DAYZ SA Suggestions

    1. That's how it works in the mod. You can stash all the stuff you want but there's always a chance somebody will find and take it. 2. Map gets new locations in almost every patch. 3. Don't see it happening any time before the final release. 4. Wrong type of game. 5. Same as 1. Works in the mod just fine, so it should work in SA when they got implemented. I've already got memorized all the fuel tanks in safe, isolate places + a number of favourite locations to hide cars.
  18. alsmir

    new craftable gun : Potato launcher !

    Hopefully we can load it with captured players :>
  19. Solution: one character per server.
  20. alsmir

    Character selection option

    Wait for tents/cars, stash your gear in a tent, go nuts. I'm against the idea that basically offers you safe deposit for your items.
  21. alsmir

    Drag Dead Bodys

    Dragging your teammate behind a cover instead of trying to bandage/morphine/etc him in the open field under fire.
  22. You have all my beans, kind sir. I just use ignore function when dealing with people like Ultimate Gentleman.
  23. I don't think server hopping needs any more promoting, people will keep doing it anyway as long as it is possible. This is one of the reasons why I'd stick to private hives in the mod. On a private hives looting was more interesting: nothing good in NWAF -> travel to Stary -> NEAF -> maybe as far as Balota or look for crashsites And it was good, especially since it would work the same way even if the server was empty. No bullshit of hopping between 10 servers when you get to NWAF and getting all the gear you'll ever need. One character per server - the way it should be.
  24. He doesn't need to justify anything because he is free to do whatever the fck he wants. Scripting/hacking/glitching - not legit, everything else is fine. Too complicated for you? That's pure stupidity. Guns being constantly tweaked is a perfect reason to test them after every patch, so we can discover bugs that can be fixed, don't you think?