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Everything posted by alsmir

  1. alsmir

    Causes the for existence of KOS.......poll

    Can't vote for "Most exciting PvP you can find compared to other games".
  2. alsmir

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    rotfl Lets bring in autoaim.
  3. alsmir

    Overall opinions on the SA so far?

    Don't bother with it yet. If you have DayZ mod - stick with it. SA is inferior in every way right now. If you haven't - try the mod first. In current state SA is playable if you're a masochist - too many gamebreaking bugs and it's missing the most basic core features. The future doesn't look great. Since the release we got sume bugs fixed, more added, minor work done about zombies and a bunch of new items and buildings without fixing the existing ones.
  4. alsmir

    Getting killed by groups only.

    Get better or find people to play with. It's a multiplayer game so it rewards teamplay - surprise, eh? Or just be more carefull. I die more often when playing with teammates than when I run solo. How? I'm bloody carefull, when I'm on my own. No derping on airfields or major cities. Get your sh*t and get out, never shoot zombies, use melee.
  5. Loot spawning system is not implemented, so whatever, enjoy it while it lasts.
  6. alsmir

    Dayz in five words or less

    Lies and false advertising
  7. alsmir

    Patch 42.116181

    Zombie aggro is random. I had a zombie spot me from 100m when i was crouched and not moving. Few minutes later 2 zeds ~10m from me kept ignoring me even when I fired SKS next to them.
  8. No, mod is WAY better even though it got hardly any updates in last 1-2 years.
  9. I guess I got lucky finding decent grup easily. I did try playing with some other groups when my friends were playing less and I had similar experience as you - finding bunch of immature people or 10+ groups of semi-randoms that just make it really difficult to communicate when they all start talking at TS.
  10. When I started playing DayZ I didn't know anyone who would play with me, but instead asking randoms in Elektro I used forums to find a group of people who played in similar way as I did and who were looking for some extra guy. I've been playing with them for 2+ years now, whether it is DayZ or some other games. You've found the forums, now learn how to use them.
  11. Man, I feel sorry for all those bambis complaining about KoS - how come most of them are playing solo? I have so many great stories about absolutely epic team firefights that were started by someone spotting another player and taking a shot - so called KoSing. You are missing out so much great experience if you never been into a fight with multiple squads. It's especially fun when not everyone is geared to max and you realize one guy with einfield had almost wiped out your entire team after you got too cocky. You should really try shooting people more often and see what happens. Btw, to anyone telling me to go back to (insert fps game here): nope, I've never had such situation in any other game when I got into firefight, steal UAZ and drove away under heavy fire (killed 2 guys) simply because I decided to visit some village to look for water pump - was thirsty.
  12. Sure, sounds good for any hardcore fans of survival. Personally I would never be bothered with it. Watching your diet and exercising in a pc game? I'd rather do that in rl - at least I'd get clear benefits. If it gets properly implemented I could see killing myself every time my character gets really weak and unhealthy rather than having to waste my time exercising, eating healthy and hope that some bug won't kill me and all my effort will be gone.
  13. I'm done talking to you after you wrote: "play the game like it should be played". How many times pople have to be reminded that there is no such thing? Hell, even Dean mentioned it a couple of times.
  14. Uhm, have you ever fought versus other players in DayZ or ArmA? There is no easy way around survival. What the hell do you think my character eats and drinks? Player corpses and their tears? I still have to find some gear before I can think about hunting someone.
  15. Please don't tell me that you want to start dicussion "when there will be very few weapons and many zombies people will pvp less". I actually played on many servers with very high difficulty, little loot etc. and all I saw was people grouping up with people they know (no randoms) and even more killing, because why check market for food, houses for random trash and military bases for weapons ad ammo when you can just kill some random guy that can carry all of the above. I've said it before. If there will be less guns people will use bows, if those are rare they will just use sticks and stones to kill others.
  16. If you shoot on sight why do you do it? Challenge and excitement. can you explain to me why you are not bad at the game if you shoot on sight? Is that a serious question? How are you not bad at the games if you don't kill other players? Makes same sense as your question. What is your opinion on people who shoot on sight? I don't have one. It's a choice of playstyle in a game that offers massive freedom, why judge? Do you think they are just pure douche bags that ruin your DayZ experience? I think anyone that makes a thread about KoS is a massive crybaby and a terrile player - there you go. Should they be ashamed of themselves? Sure, if that makes you feel better.
  17. I don't know. I just think this is what DemonGroover was trying to say. Read my previous posts on this page before you start insulting me anc calling anti-kos person >:[
  18. No, I think he meant sitting in the forest and avoiding players is more difficult than shooting others.
  19. PvP is where the fun is, especially in this game (talking more about mod since SA is far from being playable). It is simply more challenging to compete against other players than very limited AI. DayZ simply takes it to another level by using engine that treats realism versy seriously and takes out factors such as player level, character skill etc. The only importnat thing is what the player sitting in front of his PC can do. Sure gear plays important factor but outsmarting, outmanouvering is still better. On top of that I love the fact that zombies bring extra level of difficulty and I have actually work hard for my gear. There is no bullsht like in some FPS games when you can always spawn with your favourite weapon. Here, you use whatever you can find at the moment to kill the enemy. Whether it is shiny sniper rifle, rusty AK or crossbow with a single bolt. And let me tell you something, there's nothing better than killing someone who completly outgears you by being smarter. Hell I still can remember situations like: dropping AK geared player with a xbow bolt to the face, or taking down 2 man team roaming NEA when all I had was Lee and a single mag.
  20. Anyone complaining about KoS should go back to playing L4D. DayZ has PvP in it - deal with it.
  21. alsmir

    Shouldn't the #1 priority be mods ?

    And make people realize that small team of amateurs with some spare time can do a better job fixing this game than Rocket and his team? I don't think Rocket will let that happen.
  22. At first I thought that quiz could be fun, but then I realized you judge people by their age and gender? Should I also put some info about my race and job in order to find out If I'm a bandit? Btw, there is a difference between PvP, competing with other players in firefights and simple "killing people".
  23. alsmir

    System to Punish KoS

    We seriously need a system the punishes people for complaining about KoS.
  24. alsmir

    Possible solution to KOS, hear me out

    Those are all terrible ideas. Personally I can't wait till all the casuals and carebears finally leave DayZ and the forums so we can finally enjoy the game without idiots complaining every 5 s. Next time you decide to buy the game, make some research (in case of DayZ play the mod) to find out how the game works instead of just buying it and asking for it to be changed right away. Guess what? DayZ isn't for casuals, deal with it.
  25. alsmir

    PvP slider

    This is a terrible idea and you should feel ashamed for posting that.