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Everything posted by alsmir

  1. Guess what bandits were doing? Instead of camping in Berezino or Elektro, they we're waiting for example in the forest north of Berezino. Watching through binocs who leaves the town and where are they going, then they shoot them outside of zeds' aggro range.
  2. I wonder if any of you tried trully hardcore servers for DayZ mod. Probably not. Less loot, super hard zeds = people more likely to group up? True. Less PvP aswell? Nope. Bandits start working in well organised groups and olbiterate bambi packs for easy loot. Why bother checking the town for supplies when you can ambush a bambi group that carries all the usefull items while having no idea how to behave in battle. Hard hitting zombie won't hesitate to kick your ass but bambi will keep shouting "friendly" and just make sad eyes when you pop him. Get real people.
  3. alsmir

    The Community

    We could really use some private hives so all of you anti-pvp folk can jump on on a server with only friendly people and few hours later realize that there's nothing to do in this game with no bandits around.
  4. Maybe the problem is you've watched too many zombie movies and expect every zombie game to be like L4D.
  5. Forcing people to intereact, oh wow. So, you're another person that dislikes basic mechanics of DayZ but instead of trying to adapt or looking for a game that better suits you, you'd rather suggest that everyone else is forced to play the way you like. Why aren't those threads insta-locked? Post your ideas in suggestions forum.
  6. alsmir

    Two million units sold

    Does it make SA even bigger scam than WarZ?
  7. alsmir

    DayZ is a paradox game - Random thoughts

    I've played many MMOs so I can safely say that situation when you meet a random player, you decide to work together and become best friends almost never exists. Most people don't want to group up with strangers, because they might suck, they migh steal your loot, they might fck up so hard that you will all die. So what do you do? Look for a guild or ask rl friends to play with you. It's not that different in DayZ - you look for existing teams, BUT you don't approach those groups in-game, you use forums, TS/Vent to talk with them first and then you decide if you want to try playing with them. I don't know what do you expect when you jump on the random person in-game and ask if they want to travel together. When you have people that play with you it's a completly different game. In most MMOs death means - respawn and maybe 1 min run to your corpse. In DayZ - your gear will be gone unless someone grabs it for you + up to 30 mins of running back. That's why only in DayZ I've seen people risking so much to help each other. Crawling under fire to save your teammate that run out of bandages and is bleeding, running for 15 mins to give your friend with a broken leg some morphine, sharing your last few rifle rounds, giving away your only can of beans and much more. If you think that this game is anti-social and there's no human interaction, try playing with some friends.
  8. alsmir

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    As long as the game is in such a poor state they this is the only excuse fanboys can offer (God forbid questioning devs work).
  9. Realistic goals that they can't keep up with. Wish I could see your face in 1 year.
  10. Not expecting much anymore. Current team is not capable of ever going past alpha status. The only thing I can safely assume: the forums still will be full of fanboys shouting "alpha!" at each other.
  11. alsmir

    Organized battles?

    First of all: good fights are between organized squads, not groups of randoms. Now the story itself: DayZ mod (obviously) Time and place: evening hours (both irl and in-game), Stary Sobor 5 vs 5 3 of my squadmates driving in UAZ around Novy Sobor get the attention of a heli. They keep driving towards Stary while being shot at. Thay crash in Stary, breaking one of the wheels and run into the market. Heli flies around trying to take a shot at them. They return fire, but shots are innacurate (no sniper rifles or lmgs) and attract a ton of zombies. Meanwhile I arrvie from SE with M24 and L85 AWS in my backpack. Heli flies away for a while - they dropped 2 people north of Stary - but my teammates don't have a spare wheel and can't escape in time. I'm not shooting at the heli, waiting instead for the arrival of another teammate geared with M107. Instead I'm on the lookout checking the Stary Hill. I notice a sniper on the hill but just when I was adjusting my aim it started to rain, lewering my view distance so I can't see him anymore. Warned my teammates, and started flanking - making a run towards Novy. Shortly after 2 things happen: our .50 cal sniper arrives from S, and one of our guys in Stary tries to run towards Stary Hill but gets sniped. At this point I'm next to the road between Sobors. Heli hovers for a while above my head but it's enough for my friend to take a couple of shots with M107. Dead body falls out of the heli and the heli itself starts falling to the ground - pilot got sniped. Damn! 2 remaining guys jump out on parachutes. Strangely enough heli buggs and instead of crashing is just put safely on the ground - less than 100m from me. Teammates from Stary start rushing towards heli, our sniper has no los on it. So it's just me. Unfortunatelly I can barely see anything, it got dark, I have no NVGs, and just L85 scope for scanning the surroundings. Fully expecting that my enemies are geared with night vision I take cover behind a tree and watch the heli. First of the parachuters makes a run for it but I stop him with L85. The second one is nowhere to be found. I check the further spots and notice a player running towards Stary Hill. I check with my teammates to make sure it's not one of them. My hesitation was enough to let that guy escape so I start the persuit. It's pitch black and I stop every 20m to scan the surroundings with thermal scope. Shortly after that I hear a loud shot ahead of me. I keep sprinting and finally notice with my scope a guy in the distance crouching over a dead body. Couple shots later he's dead and we can proceed to retrive the heli that is in surprisingly good state, loot the bodies (turns out none of them had NVGs, only 2 thermal scoped rifles). Later, after talking with opposing team I found out that their 2 last survivors panicked when they run itno each other in complete darkness and after a single unlucky shot one of them got killed by a teammate.
  12. Some people act like SA is some kind of Facebook app: try to make as many friends as possible and start bitching whenever you reject their friend request with bullet to the face. Others just accept that it's mostly big sandbox where you can do whatever pleases you, plus you can interact (shoot, stalk, talk) with other players. They just try to have fun and not treat the game too seriously. The second group seems to be having much better time playing SA. I wonder why?
  13. alsmir

    Why wont people play in the night ?

    Hmm, lets think: Lack of flares, chemlights, bugged flashlights, zeds seeing you perfectly during pitch black nights?
  14. Tougher zombies. So I can spend more time watching all the bugs they have like ignoring walls and objects, hitting me without even facing my character. Good thing you can sneak past them oh wait...
  15. alsmir

    Log in Timer Poll

    Gl to new players: Log in - game disconnected. Pick new server - wait 8 min. Pitch black. Figure out how to use flashlight. Still can barely see anything. Because of that dies 3 times in a row by first zombie. Switch server - 8 min. Daylight. Head into the first city - killed by coast sniper. Switch server - 8min. Pick one with low pop. Gather some gear but get killed by glitching zombie. Uninstall.
  16. alsmir

    Thread in defense of banditry

    The basics of PvP haven't changed since to most early versions of the mod. You still can kill anyone you want and take all their gear. So far Rocket has no intentions of changing those mechanics. Then it is a valid playstyle. Like others mentioned everything but cheating/exploiting is fine. I might repeat myself, but: just because you dislike the way other people play doesn't make your playstyle in any way "better". If you can't handle it look for servers with similar-minded people.
  17. alsmir

    What would you KoS?

    Why am I a dick suddenly? I checked the option: Other (Explain) and I explained. Why would you make a poll just to bitch about the results?
  18. alsmir

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    What's the point of experimental if the bugs make it to stable. For example: binocs issues. Either fix the bugs and put fixed binocs in stable or keep them away from stable branch untill you can resolve the bugs. Funny how, when people say "Everything is fantastic!" nobody replies with "You can't say that, the game is unfinished and still in alpha state!". Double standards much?
  19. alsmir

    What would you KoS?

    If there was a way to identify forum posters in game my #1 priority would be OP and creators of similar threads.
  20. alsmir

    Thread in defense of banditry

    I don't find PvP meaningless if it still brings me fun after hundreds of hours. Slightly offtopic: Binocs don't seem to be working weel ehen you're crouched or prone which makes them quite useless. Hopefully it will be fixed is stable version. I don't have patience to camp one place for hours if there's nobody around. Plus I'm waiting for wind affecting bullet trajectory before I get serious about sniping. So I'll guess we have a better chance of meeting in the forest.
  21. alsmir

    Thread in defense of banditry

    PvP is a big part of DayZ whether you like it or not. Just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean I'm playing it wrong. I'm playing with a bunch of people that i've met through DayZ. I'm on TS with them whether we roll in DayZ or any other multiplayer game. So I probably talk with people more during DayZ session than average wannabe hero. As for more assumptions about rl stuff - real mature. See you in my crosshairs.
  22. alsmir

    Thread in defense of banditry

    PvP is more exciting in DayZ, period. I've been playing vs other players in shooters since the times of Quake 2. Name a FPS game and there are big chances I've played it, whether it is BF, CoD, UT, CS or Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, ArmA series with various mods. It's just more fun and exciting, also a bunch of butthurt people complaining on the forums is just a bonus. The posters making ridicculous assumptions about what PvPers are like in rl is probably more funny than sad. "You killed me cus you have no life and yo mamma is fat" or whatever form of "You must play the DayZ as survivor because I say so".
  23. alsmir

    Thread in defense of banditry

    I'm not a bandit I'm a hunter. The problem is after a while you realize hunting animals that don't fight back is too easy (even in hunting sims) so you move to hunting people who can be unpredictable, fight back and bascially offer better challenge. Plus I like the idea of hunting with whatever weapon I can find atm instead of choosing some kind of loadout before the hunt.
  24. It's your first Alpa, isn't it?
  25. I remember few years ago I was using 1Mb/s and it was more than enough for my needs. Your point?