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Posts posted by m3ik0

  1. "- Gear: Improvised courier backpack added"

    Could make them since the latest stable.  :huh: 


    "- Systems: Notifications added to UI for hydration and high energy"

    If you ask me, less of these, more of sounds. At least for Hardcore <3


    "- Config: Berries have more nutrition now"

    Been trying to find berries in the woods, chopping down bushes, but nothing. For hours. Well... more nutrition is good. For the berries. The ninja berries.   :| 

    • Like 7

  2. Been punching douchy fucks that wanna have fun with killing newspawns since i joined this game. And i find it really amusing.


    But, i've also encountered geared up guys just walking by at the coast many times. Never punched one of them and never killed by one of them. Let them be on their way. They are propably trying to help a friend who is new to the game. 

    Know why you kill. 


    And using bambi as a tittle to justify the hostility, is nothing. You are just another fuck trying to give hostility a "better name". You are not. You are the same asshole with a person killing newspawns before they can take a step. 

    • Like 4

  3. Instead of adding in side chat, I think it would be a good idea to use walkie talkies as a means of communication (they currently do nothing). The player would have to set it to a certain frequency (eg. 117) and whoever else has their walkie talkie set to 117 would be able to voice chat with the player, however, bandits will also be able to flick through the different channels, listening in, finding out where the two players intend to meet etc. This is just an idea so no hate please, but any feedback is welcome :)


    They do work. And they work flawlessly. Been playing with my buddy for nearly 2 hours with Transmitters. We muted teamspeak for this, it was amazing.


    You find one, you put batteries in. You turn it on by right clicking on the frequency you like, your friend does the same with his Transmitter and voila.


    You can speak through radio by switching chat channels. Pressing ",". 


    The amazing thing is that if you talk through the radio with an x person, you can be heard by anyone in direct chat radius, which is 100m if i'm not mistaken. Because you know, you are talking. If someone is tuned in in the same frequency as you and your buddy, in the accepted radius, he can hear you both talking. Serious stalking. You can also leave the transmitter anywhere. It will still broadcast. Luring becomes more fun. 


    The radio works up to approx 900 meters. After that there is stuttering and signal loss. 

    • Like 1

  4. I like the HC sub-hive. I really do. BUT... 


    If it was up to me, i would totaly disable 3rd person only to fuck with the majority of easy runners of the community. Playing in third person is weak and pathetic. We have a game here that it's about survival. And when it comes to survival sometimes you have to kill. And by being in multiplayer it's PVP, hell of a lot of PVP. And i like it. But hell, when i know that there is a little sissy sitting on top of a building-behind a wall- behind a window, safe and sound, scouting like a boss with third person, it pisses me off.


    It breaks my immersion, the feeling of realism and the serious manner of having a firefight. 


    And one more reason to disable 3rd person, alot of kiddies go away. With ease. Done

    I just fucked mustys teamspeak to write this shit.


  5. I managed to play for about an hour or so yesterday till I died, was forced to "stuck respawn" and disconnected.. The experience was great, great dark night.

    Kept meeting with a German survivor in every town or loot point. We had a nice conversation every time. He was searching for his mate.. Later on we found each other again and he actually saved me from starvation and certain death by giving me opened beans and directions to a melee weapon to successfully defend my self from a sensitive psychopath who kept crying and chasing me.

    God I love this game.

    I hope when I return from work to get in a server and play... The idea of the loot not being there and everything being pillaged makes me wanna cry out of happiness.

    Struggling to survive. I love that.

    • Like 2

  6. hey, so I've been spamming the join buttons and sometimes it says connecting to server, then after a couple seconds it says connection failed, is that due to the server being full or is there  problem on my end?


    My guess is that someone was faster than you. And me. And everyone else. 


    Punching the monitor seems like a logical solution

    • Like 1

  7. Srsly could you just make this game playable? And i'm not stating the bugs and glitches. But what i mean is to make it easier... As it was before i had a REALLY hard time to find weapons. And now you lower the spawns even more? like wtf.. Instead of making the game harder and harder so its completely unplayable. Make so servers can change the spawnrates and such. I want higher spawnrates of items. I want to be able to find them better. Highlight them as WarZ does. Actually do everything WarZ does. But don't do the shit that makes the game shit. Because i really love the part of zombie survival game. But  i want to play cacual and not having to fucking be on my edge and waste so much time finding stuff. I want to jump in. Spawn. Go to a fire station and find a m4 or just a handgun with ammo. And then i'm good to go. Not waste 1-2 hours running from waay up from electro to balota to find nothing than cans of food and rotten oranges..


    For real? The game at this point is as easy as taking a piss. What are you talking about? You describe it like an ideal model of DayZ for me. But it's not. 


    Maybe the game is not for you. 

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