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Everything posted by XxSC4RECR0WxX

  1. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    ^ In same general area.. Zub to be more precise. C'mon! I know there has to be broken legs somewhere!
  2. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    Now in Cherno. Add on steam if you need assistance.
  3. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    Not a problem. :) In Prigorodky now.
  4. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    In Elektro if anyone needs assistance. Add me on Steam.
  5. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    My legs are broken.

    If you still need help, add me on steam. I have supplies and around Elektro.
  6. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can assist. Add me on Steam.
  7. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can get you. Add me on Steam.
  8. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Added you on Steam.
  9. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In Cherno if anyone needs a blood transfusion. Add me on steam/skype if you need assistance.
  10. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic needs a medic! Apparently I had used all my bandages for other players last night and didn't realize it until I was needing one this morning. :blush: I'm was about to head back towards Cherno from Green Mountain for a supply run, but decided to check out a few nearby barns and such first. Sad to say I attracted some attention and got knocked out by a Zed. I managed to get up and run to a nearby barn and found a bandage to stop the bleeding, but I'm down to >4K blood. Still on I'm in the barn at Pass Snosovy and would appreciate it if someone could stop in and assist if they are nearby. I should not be a priority though. I can manage like this for a while.
  11. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Patient is on I'm still on 2.4 Can't help. Sorry. :(
  12. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Not a problem. B)
  13. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Check PM
  14. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    No. F-ing. Way.. Glad I could help.. Sorry it was all for naught.
  15. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm also headed towards the NW Airfield with blood bags and morphine.
  16. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Dont Fight, Dance

    Close. He is not actually Zoroaster, but the God of the religion Zoroastriansim. Zoroaster was the prophet who founded the religion. 5 Beans to you.
  17. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Dont Fight, Dance

    Every video in this thread just totally made my hellish workday worth more than 10 cans of beans in DayZ. Thank Ahura Mazda! And 10 beans goes to whoever knows who Ahura Mazda is without the aid of Wikipedia..
  18. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm on the outskirts of Cherno. My question is: how safe is "pretty safe" in Cherno?
  19. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Need Help... Stuck on roof of a building

    Check out the 2nd myth on this vid. You could try to see if this would still work. 0:58 mark. Make sure you've got bandages and morphine ready though.
  20. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    Green Mountain.

    Essentially, Green Mountain is the same as Candy Mountain.
  21. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    broken leg stuck at castle

    On my way
  22. Zombies? Unrealistic? The time is nigh!
  23. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    broken leg stuck at castle

    PM sent
  24. XxSC4RECR0WxX

    broken leg stuck at castle

    Maybe. It'll be a couple hours though.