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About hpd_hyperlogic@web.de

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. hpd_hyperlogic@web.de

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    Thank you Hicks for trying to explain things additionally to the status reports here. We appreciate your hard work, but I guess a bunch of people (including me) are a bit dissapointed after the latest status report, because you teased us with some awesome stuff a few weeks/months ago (new HUD concept, some screenshots from the new renderer, new audio FX from the sound guy etc) and now we don't know what happened to all this long term tasks. I'm sure you guys are working your asses off to complete the major changes in tech, but can we have some insights please? What is the problem with the new renderer (planned for Q1 and delayed to May for internal testing)? Is it already working in your internal build or do you guys need more time? Anything new about the new player controller or the new HUD? Are you guys testing a 64bit client version of DayZ? There are so many open questions about the current state of development and I think it's quite fair that a bunch of people are complaining about the lack of communication. You have a really passionate and addicted community for your game...we all hope for major improvments and we would love to see more of your development process.
  2. hpd_hyperlogic@web.de

    Stable Branch - 0.55 Discussion

    I noticed more dsync and lagspikes during my first hour with 0.55. Zombies also teleport some meters when chasing - is this a known problem?