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Everything posted by ajsmen

  1. ajsmen

    A way to stop the murders

    I believe there are better solutions to this "problem". Yeah, punishing ppl is easy and fast way to deal with it. But its just in contradiction with what this game should be. Survival! And all the elements it brings along. Including pricks who will kill you for a can of food or a box of matches. This "problem" needs to be solved by positive means not just by punishment. From my point of view a solution could be adding in game mechanics that would somehow make that player in my crosshairs more valuable to me alive than dead. Problem is, how do you achieve that. Right now three possible ideas come to my mind. Make zombies even more deadly. So using your weapons in and around populated areas becomes your last resort. And joining forces with other survivors after zombies have been alerted your only chance of getting out of that town alive. Spawn the best loot in heavily infested areas. So if you want to loot that millitary base full of zombies wearing kevlar vests you HAVE TO team up. And not with just 2-3 players. You would need at least 10-15 players fully loaded with ammo and medical supplys. And even then chances are not all of you would walk away alive. Implement more core features that require two or more players to perform it. The same way blood packs and blood transfusion works. And while all this ideas could be a massive failure after more testing, I still think you should encourage ppl to be nice in positive ways. Not just by punishing them. Coz in the end, it wont work. It never does.