I was in a situation a couple of days ago, where myself and another player started the tenuos dance of figuring out if each other was friendly..After a brief time we figured it out and i even gave him some needed painkillers. We went into a town and started scavenging.. I tend to be very stealthy and avoid Zombie contact, he was not as careful and we found ourself on a 12 / on 2 situation where he was not helping me take down zombies. I figure because he was conserving ammo.. After the z's were down he proceeds to scavenge nearly everything.. Needless to say I bolted and ditched him, as he put me in more danger than i cared to be in.. I get the feeling he was waiting for me to get taken down so he could scavenge me as well... Point being..even if you find a friendly, are they always in your best interest??.... Ive been alive on my own for quite a while, I have had to kill two players that shot at me first(one with an ax).. Im wondering if there are any good players out there..I would love to play with other players, as the tension created by the came , surviving on your own, is actually kind of exausting..