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Everything posted by James_X

  1. James_X

    No competent player should die

    So when is PvP ok in your opinion? If I were to befriend some people, then kill them, would that be any better? What about killing people for loot, is that ok? I just killed some guy for food, not fun. What's the difference? He's still dead and probably spawning in kamenka. Or is it just never ok because you don't like dying? Right now I'm playing as a maniac on a hill with a rifle. Next time I die I may choose to play as a city raiding survivor. PvP is a good dynamic in the game but is not the aim of the game. People like you are the reason I now shoot on sight, because you never know who is going to kill you just for funzies. If I had always shot on sight, I never would have had some of the best experiences I've had in this game. Killing for supplies is okay, for better weapons and equipment is okay, but camping for the lolz is just stupid. The reason people kill randomly is because the game has no clear aim, and therefore people do whatever they find the most fun. If people do kill to loot bodies, it's easy to counteract that because you simply have another player who spots the other from a distance unseen, and takes out the looter when they go to loot, but taking out people who kill for the fun with no intention of gaining anything other than 1 point to their murder count is very difficult, unless you have ridiculously good equipment like thermal ops or military snipers, whose positions invariably have people camping.
  2. James_X

    No competent player should die

    Dayz is not challenging in a pvp sense' date=' its not even a competitive game. Its the only game I can enjoy playing with casual RL friends, who dont want put in the time for training. There is not much skill in this game, you live forever if you're patient enough, and if you wanna have fun instead you play risky and get exciting scenarios. I guess you must suck hard at competitive fps if you come to a casual atmospheric game like dayz, abuse some camping spot to shoot at newbees and start talking about skill. Don't mix up your fantasy roleplaying world with the real world, dude. [/quote'] DayZ is obviously challenging enough for there to be this much crying on the forums about PvP deaths. And I'm not abusing anything, you expect me to come get into hand to hand combat with the AK wielding masses of elektro with a sniper rifle? You're basically making the assumption that this game is entirely about PvP. Everything you mention is about killing other players, nothing about zombie survival. Maybe try an actual deathmatch game where killing others is the objective, or maybe you suck so much at that you have to do it in a survival game? Because zombies are a massive threat, right? No, zombies aren't the danger, I am the danger. Yeah, maybe since I kill people on DayZ I don't have ÜBER SKILLZ at other games? Maybe I'm a loser in real life? Maybe I'm fat? etc etc etc. Yeah Yet you came on a game forum to boost your ego and let people know you have teh uber skillz at this game? You knew people would react negatively and you had your responses planned, which was basically to act like they are noobs and you are better than them. If the enemy was AI would you be doing this? No, you like the idea that you are ruining other people's day more than you like sniping enemy players, killing zeds is no fun because it's just a zed. If killing players is all you want to do then play a game where that's the objective.
  3. James_X

    No competent player should die

    None of those people survived and he did. So I guess he's better at the survival game... Zombie survival, not PvP survival. Are you really saying that realistically if there was a zombie apocalypse, you would find a sniper rifle and mercilessly kill dozens of people? It's trying to survive in the presence of others, not trying to survive longer than others.
  4. James_X

    No competent player should die

    Challenge. People are actually trying not to die. Dayz is not challenging in a pvp sense, its not even a competitive game. Its the only game I can enjoy playing with casual RL friends, who dont want put in the time for training. There is not much skill in this game, you live forever if you're patient enough, and if you wanna have fun instead you play risky and get exciting scenarios. I guess you must suck hard at competitive fps if you come to a casual atmospheric game like dayz, abuse some camping spot to shoot at newbees and start talking about skill. Don't mix up your fantasy roleplaying world with the real world, dude. DayZ is obviously challenging enough for there to be this much crying on the forums about PvP deaths. And I'm not abusing anything, you expect me to come get into hand to hand combat with the AK wielding masses of elektro with a sniper rifle? You're basically making the assumption that this game is entirely about PvP. Everything you mention is about killing other players, nothing about zombie survival. Maybe try an actual deathmatch game where killing others is the objective, or maybe you suck so much at that you have to do it in a survival game?
  5. James_X

    No competent player should die

    Challenge. People are actually trying not to die. Dayz is not challenging in a pvp sense, its not even a competitive game. Its the only game I can enjoy playing with casual RL friends, who dont want put in the time for training. There is not much skill in this game, you live forever if you're patient enough, and if you wanna have fun instead you play risky and get exciting scenarios. I guess you must suck hard at competitive fps if you come to a casual atmospheric game like dayz, abuse some camping spot to shoot at newbees and start talking about skill. Don't mix up your fantasy roleplaying world with the real world, dude. +1 Anyone can sit in a bush and snipe people, some people actually want to work together. The best experiences I've had on this game is making friends with people I don't know and working together to get supplies and loot. I don't kill for fun, I do it if it's necessary to survive. You're saying that once people find a sniper rifle they should just find a good camping spot and start ruining the game for everyone else? Once again, this isn't a deathmatch, regular multiplayer is for deathmatches.
  6. James_X

    No competent player should die

    Right. So if zombies began to kill everyone on earth your first thought would be to find a sniper rifle, and start killing those survivors. I completely understand shooting on sight, if people pose any risk to your survival then go ahead and take them out, but actively hunting down people who pose zero threat is just sociopathic. You'll just keep saying 'LOL teh stoopid noob' but in reality you're playing a survival game. You're not even killing people for supplies, it's just cold blooded murder for shit and giggles. Fucking survival game you moron.
  7. James_X

    No competent player should die

    Are you kidding me? In a real zombie apocalypse would you sit on the outskirts of a town killing random people? This is a survival game, and as much as people want it to be a deathmatch, it isn't. I know, 'derp go play COD you noob LOL'. Well in COD, people sit in bushes sniping other players without actually caring about the actual objective of the game, so maybe you should go play COD. I've had people hunt me down and take me out for what? A bandage and some painkillers? Give me a break. They want to make other people miserable and think they're cool because of it. No matter what you say there is absolutely no argument that this is the best way to survive, and in a survival game the point is to, you know, survive. So in true COD/BF fashion, PLAY THE FUCKING OBJECTIVE.
  8. Twice today I have been shot at by snipers when I had absolutely no equipment. One time I was missed and started sprinting away, zig zagging to avoid fire. About 500 meters from the original shot area I thought I was safe, but the person in Ghillie had hunted me down. He looked at me for a moment, then gunned me down with his pistol. I understand shooting on sight, when I see someone else in a building or with a weapon I invariably take them down, but to sit in the bush sniping unarmed players with a bandage and painkillers is just retarded. Shooting on site should only be when seeing people is a surprise, not deliberately waiting for people to see so you can shoot them. The type of punishments I would like to see for cold blooded killing is a return of the humanity meter, which in some way makes it easier for zombies to detect you as you become more 'inhumane'. This is not a deathmatch, it's survival, and if a real zombie apocalypse occurred I highly doubt there would be many people sitting in bushes killing innocent people, I think they would be taking out zombies. Also I think leaving a server while bleeding should warrant death, as often people I've seen have just cut out of the server while bleeding to avoid death, which is stupid. And to people that say 'go play COD derp', in COD people camp with sniper rifles in bushes to kill people without caring about the actual objective, so I don't see your point.