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Sentinal (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sentinal (DayZ)

  1. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Ok what the actual ****

    I was walking in the woods and a bunny ran up to me asking for carrots, then lettuce because he was hungry. I got annoyed and shot it so it ran off screaming. I heard from another survivor that a bunny did the same thing and then gave him some gear. WTF is going on, I assumed it was a hacker that turned into a bunny and started running around because he was bored.
  2. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Ok what the actual ****

    Another note, another bunny came to my and asked me a riddle to which he dropped a box at my feet when i answered right. Everything in the game was in it so I aborted thinking he was trying to get my hopes up then kill me.
  3. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Lady Luck is Smiling

    Today me and a friend came across two dupers in Elektro who decided to let us tag along with them. At first we weren't sure that they duped and we were happy that someone had decided not to shoot us, but then they let us know that they used infinite ammo cheats but they earned the gear properly. They then killed a survivor for the fun of it, to me they had to die. We were at Elektro church, the bandits were slaughtering zeds as they walked in the door, I secretly smoked the door to attract more zombies and sure enough a bandit came and shot up one of the hackers, my friend shot down the other hacker as I took out the bandit. Needless to say, now me and my friend are decked out in all the top tier gear and ready to hunt down more hackers/dupers/bandits and cleanse Chernaurus. I would love to hear from anyone else with a hacker/bandit slaying story. EDIT: Also took two bandits that tried to ambush us at the lake along the road to Mogilevka, I dunno why they tried to take two well armed people with crossbows and M1911's, maybe they thought we can't fight well just because we don't have a bandit rag on.
  4. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Lady Luck is Smiling

    They said they cheated ammo, i dont know if the gear is hacked or not. It might be, but I aint throwing away top tier gear on a 'might'
  5. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Message from the North

    And people have butterscotch crumpets while playing football on the open fields, we all give out free medical supplies without a care in the world. Electro is a lovely place where there are no snipers and definitely no shootouts in the school area. Cherno is even more lovely with hundreds of infected cuddle bugs that play tag while people play a good old fashion game of cops and robbers with high powered military grade weaponry. But seriously, don't go south unless you are bored and prepared to die.
  6. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Cowards let Bandits thrive

    I play DayZ as a sort of crusader type person, my mission is to hunt bandits and to help survivors. Anyone who shoots on me first will die at any cost to myself as far as I am concerned, killing bandits is more important than my own life, I know that if I sacrifice myself to kill them that they will not get my gear and will be set back, however if i do not kill them it just adds another sniper to the hills ready to pick me off without knowing. This doesn't mean I am not cautious, I am a good shot and I generally win a 1v1 encounter with someone plus I generally stalk bandits for a while to double check that they are in fact bandits and also to catch them off guard. What I have found lately though, and it is a shame, is that most survivors cower in fear when a bandit is coming. Not only is it putting yourself and all survivors at risk later on but it is also plain stupid, the bandit probably has good gear and doesn't expect to be ambushed by someone. The biggest thing that annoys me though is when I team up with a survivor and he runs when a bandit fires on us, doesn't take cover, just hightails it out and leaves me. I just want to let people know that this is a stupid thing to do because so long as you are running from them, you are the prey and they are the predator. All survivors should be predator's and your prey should be bandits. If every survivor fights then banditry will become less profitable and therefore less popular. You may die, you may lose lots of blood but you will help to rid this game of bandit scum. My IGN is Sentinal, I am a bandit hunter, if you shoot at me; you better make damn sure that I go down in one shot TL:DR- Don't let yourself be hunted by bandits, hunt them and get free NVG's
  7. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Cowards let Bandits thrive

    Then you are no better than the bandit.
  8. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Cowards let Bandits thrive

    Yea I will check you guys out, I have been contemplating joining or creating a group such as this in order to take out bandits.
  9. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Ax-Murder stories. (+ discussion)

    I have a few little cases of 'HERE'S JOHNNY' occurring in game. I am an anti bandit, people who bandit generally die to me and sometimes I have a bit of fun killing the fools who underestimate a lone survivor. Firstly there was this sniper who sat on the school in Electro popping people as they ran around. I snuck up behind him with my hatchet out and said 'So you wan't to kill people... HOW BOUT NO' as I hacked him to death. I just started and I already had my free enfield. Secondly me and a friend were at Balota in the hangers when we saw someone run past, we followed him trying to determine if he was a bandit or a survivor and as we rounded the corner we couldn't see him, and then I saw him rush out from seemingly nowhere and just hack my friend down before he even saw him, I killed him within seconds and healed up my friend but it was still freaky just because he just seemed to appear and start hacking. Finally and most hilariously was my Electro crowbar hunt, Me and my friend (the same one that got axed) were in Electro hospital and we were ambushed by someone in with an AK, my friend died straight away and a bunch of zeds aggro'd onto the shooter so he started running. I (armed with a crowbar) sprinted at him along with the zeds while screaming at him 'You think you can shoot people and just walk away', 'You wan't to live in a world where people shoot other people for fun', 'What do you think you are doing' while laughing like crazy and chasing him, bludgeoning him to death with the trusty iron. The most fun I have ever had in Dayz to date.
  10. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Cowards let Bandits thrive

    I don't advance into fire, in fact most of my kills are from baiting zombies to bandits and then picking them off in their confusion. The good thing is on my current account, I haven't had to kill anyone; I have seen one other person and they were a lone hatchet wielding survivor at NW Airfield who silently picked off a zed that was on my tail. And also, I class a bandit as someone who kills others and takes their stuff, dupers are just scum. I have respect for proper bandits, but at the same time I hunt them because I am not a survivor I am hero, and there is a difference.
  11. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Project Anarchy: RECRUITING

    And your system is not a small scale government, pure anarchy means that every man is subject to his own will,not the will of generals
  12. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Project Anarchy: RECRUITING

    'to survive, to protect, and to promote anarchy' And then 'two Generals'. Yea, you promote anarchy through leadership...
  13. I had recently spawned after me and my friend got sniped by a team of snipers (I took one of them out) and me and my friend were gonna meet at Balota airstrip. I came from the East and my friend from the west, as he approached he was ambushed by 2 people who held him at gunpoint until he explained that he was friendly, he was unarmed and still not sure if they were friendly or not so I came in brandishing my hatchet which smok'd with bloody execution and a horde of zombies following me just in case these two people were in fact bandits. Alas after stating that I was friendly they shot every zombie following me and started talking to me. One of them was shot by a bandit and then the other killed the bandit, it was at this point that a random unarmed girl came out of nowhere and started talking to us. At this point, the man could have shot me, my friend and the girl and taken anything we had but he didn't, he in fact let me and my friend gear up from the bandit and hightail it out of Balota. Mr CohmodderSolo, you sir are a gentleman and you can have my beans any day of the week.
  14. Sentinal (DayZ)

    How to not get your ass shot

    A guide for new (and some old players) to not get your ass shot 1. Stay out of Cherno and Elektro if you are new, they are death traps without a carefully planned route and knowledge of Zed aggro mechanics. 2. If you see another player, call out friendly over direct coms (caps lock is the button to turn mic on), if you have no mic use text to tell them (/ key for text chat) 3. If the player looks well armed and has friends with him, you generally should stay out of sight and out of their way. Me and my friend play and we went into Cherno with military assault rifles, some foolish person waited with a double barrel shotgun outside the church while we were inside looting. Me and my friend sprinted out of the church because stealth is irrelevant in Cherno and he missed with his shotgun. He then proceeded to get his ass shot by my AKS-74 Kobra. 4. If you call out friendly on mic and they do not respond, shoot them. 5. People with scoped rifles are generally not friendly but do not just shoot them on that pretense unless you are fairly sure they are hostile. People who play this game as a deathmatch style game are commonly the ones that get their ass' shot. And here is a little tip for all new people GET GEAR, GET NORTH. You need gear on coast such as canteens, hunting knives, hatchets, matches etc, then go north. The more north you are, the safer you are as long as you stay away from the NW Airfield, Stary Sobor and to a lesser extent Berezino.
  15. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Medical assistance please

    No Dr's from Dr wasteland M.D. whitelist can help me, I am on AU1 and am in need of someone to administer a bloodbag to me, I have the blood bag I just need your help, if you help me I will top up your blood as well.
  16. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Bad Version, Server rejection connection

    Changed over from Six Launcher and still hasn't fixed, I don't know what is wrong with it, I hope we can atleast get an admin in here to explain the issue to us.
  17. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Medical assistance please

    What I meant by that is that I have tried them and they haven't responded
  18. Sentinal (DayZ)

    The future of Day Z: Standalone Discussion

    Dayz should be on the ARMA engine, the only other engine I could see it on is one specifically built for Dayz but that will likely not happen.
  19. ITT: Butthurt guy complains about bugs in a free, alpha phase mod of a 3 year old game. Also complains that people shoot on sight because he lost his gear.from someone when he probably bandits all day to get the gear Newsflash, I just lost coyote backpack, silenced mp5, m14, shittonnes of food, water and drugs. Have a guess what I did... in fact, guess what I didn't do. Here is a clue, I didn't get on the forums and have a little winge. Sincerely Every Motherfucking person reading this thread
  20. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    It would add so much to the game if it brought in that emotional conflict. Unfortunately, child killing = banned in alot of carebear countries
  21. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Military style radio

    I made a similar post regarding this before, Rocket said that he wishes to implement these but it is difficult due to the ARMA 2 engine. He says if a standalone game is made then it will be implemented for sure.
  22. Sentinal (DayZ)


    Oh for the love of all that is good and logical... All that I see you say is Rocket should do this or Rocket should do that. ROCKET IS REMOVING ABOVE GROUND CONSTRUCTION. Aside from that, get a toolbox, they spawn alot in industrial buildings.
  23. Start of with a short story I was at Balota Airfield, doing my usual rounds through the military tents before I head north. I grabbed the gear I needed, which turned out to be pretty damn good (DMR with one mag). I left the airfield and was slightly to the north when i saw someone crouch running through the trees towards the airfield. I immediately proned and scoped to him before noticing that he had no gun. My question is, now that players have no guns and start with nothing really worthwhile other than a flashlight which I already had of course, do you shoot unarmed people, are they worth the waste of one of my precious DMR rounds.
  24. Sentinal (DayZ)


    Cans and bottles can be thrown to distract zeds, they are the single most useful item you have when first starting a new character
  25. Sentinal (DayZ)

    New Patch Optimisations And Zombies

    Zombies Have a tendency to move towards the player even when not aggro'd