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Sentinal (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Sentinal (DayZ)

  1. NW Airfield, Stary Sobor as previously mentioned. Stay the fuck out of Cherno and Elektro as they are deathtraps.
  2. Sentinal (DayZ)

    A reason to LIVE!!

    Do something useful with your time, set up a medical clinic for dying players. Counter-Snipe bandits to protect the innocent. Hunt for food and give handouts. This is all for if you want to be good and you want to help the community become more than one big dogfight. If you wanna be a 'bandit' just go around killing people.
  3. Sentinal (DayZ)


    Because if cannibalism was added it would be refused rating in many countries
  4. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    Surfacing-Slipknot Victorious or Siegreicher March-Amon Amarth Live for the Kill-Amon Amarth March of Mephisto-Kamelot Hunting Song-Korpiklaani Stand up and Fight-Turisas Battle Metal-Turisas Take the Day-Turisas End of an Empire-Turisas The Russian National Anthem And Choke Me by The Used simply for the fact that the song itself sounds like you just aggro'd a Zed.
  5. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Make Zombies Zombies.

    They are infected humans rather than the undead, Rocket said so. He will not make them walkers. Also, a 'Zombie' is not undead in the first place. Zombie is a term used to describe humans that were brainwashed by a Witch Doctor after using puffer-fish venom to put them in a death-like state.
  6. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Game is unplayable

    At the start you will die alot, here is a tip. Stop bitching on the forums and learn how to be stealthy, sneak into a barn and get either a hatchet or a double barrel shotgun both of which are extremely common.
  7. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Just a couple questions

  8. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Radio=>Global chat

    Pro-tip #1, use search function http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=29584 My post regarding same thing
  9. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Ok, you state that removing NVG's will increase balance. Rocket says, and I completely agree with him, that he does not understand people's obsession with balance in games. In a real situation, people with NVG's will have the advantage over people who don't.
  10. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Radio-The future of Dayz

    Firstly if you are a tl;dr type of person, go read a different post about how bandits need to be removed or how we should start with our own personal military armoury in our patrol packs. Overview: A radio system that is completely player based, player generated channels with real players talking in them. You could have some channels where it is a lone guy broadcasting music through his mic, you could talk to people across the radio and build up trust with them BEFORE they have the opportunity to shoot you in the face. Reasoning: A radio allows for a number of things, Firstly it allows for player based interaction without risk of death. This point is greatly important as it is a potential solution the the 'deathmatch' mentality that people always seem to complain about. You see, Rocket believes that it is the players that cause the issues and that it is the players that must fix them, let me first state that I 100% AGREE WITH HIM. A radio however can build up the trust with other players before meeting them, and this ofcource could allow for some very subtle and deceptive options for bandits if they can lie well. Also the ability to have player communication ingame over long distances while still being immersive and realistic will stop people complaining about the removal of global chat. Implementation: Radio's would have to be found, they would be a rare civilian or military drop. A power system whereby batteries would be needed to power them could be used with a military radio having longer battery life than a civilian or it could be so a civilian radio had a range that was less than the military radio. Thanks for reading, all feedback is appreciated.
  11. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Radio-The future of Dayz

    The posts about radios that I have read before have consisted of, 'We should have radios, and when you find one, you get global chat back'. That is not my idea, my idea is a functional radio with channels etc.
  12. Sentinal (DayZ)

    "Hey, I know you!"

    All that I can say on the matter is YES, You have obviously thought about the issue alot, you have given a way of implementation on top of the idea and I see that the idea is a direct benefit to the game.
  13. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Radio-The future of Dayz

    I just envision flicking through the channels on the radio, finding some people talking, some people playing music for the rest of the wasteland to hear and someone advertising that they are looking for help or a partnership. I can imagine regulars on the server building up radio followings that people can listen to so they can lighten up the mood, learn about the news of the server etc.
  14. Sentinal (DayZ)

    We need bandits skin

    This youtube video is applicable to this post
  15. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Game modes?

  16. Sentinal (DayZ)

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Perhaps the parachute could replace the backpack slot so you would have to store your backpack in the Colt while you dropped in, making parachuting not overpowered as if you want the tactical advantage of dropping out of the sky, you have to leave your extra supplies behind. Plus it is more realistic as parachutes, especially old ones, would be heavy and large.
  17. Now the idea I am going to propose is most likely more optimal to implement later on once Rocket fixes all those annoying bugs like breaking legs when going prone on a lighthouse or dying if you dare to look at the wrong tree but hear me out. The idea's main points will be summarized here -For anyone who has played the game alot and with friends, they will know what it is like to have all the great gear and be an invincible unit, they go out and camp Cherno, Elektro, Stary or the Barracks and that is that. -This idea is that there should be a true endgame that will only be able to be completed by a well organised and well geared group of people -The Endgame should be one area or even better a series of areas that have high Z density with challenging terrain that encompasses tight corners, houses, rooftops etc. -This forces tactical decisions and teamwork for example, you may need to post a sniper on a rooftop to cover you as you dash in the case that you miss the Z's that run out of a building. -Perhaps even add in certain types of zombies that are specific to the area but must be REALISTIC and fit in with the THEME, I do not want any napalm spitting, death machine with chainsaw arms because it makes the game a joke... An example of these sorts of Z's would be bullet proof vest wearers which force a group to shoot in the head or legs. -The rewards for undertaking the massive feat of conquering these areas would have to be great such as at its most basic form, better guns than can be found anywhere else, however these rewards could be any number of things, they just have to be very very good. A detailed walkthrough of a scenario that could be used: (This particular scenario requires the implementation of a radio, which should also be implemented to allow full area communication) For those who own a radio, there is a random chance that while using the radio a distress call will go out, informing the player that a group of people are holed up in an old military complex in a town (a new town could be added or a less used town could be altered, certain towns i could think of are Olsha, Khelm or Petrovka) The town name is given as are co ordinates, the player is also informed that the area is very dangerous. Distress call could go something like this "Mayday, Mayday we are holed up in a military complex in (insert town name) this place is swarming with these mother fuckers we cant hold em off much longer... co-ordinates are (Insert co-ords), if anyone is out there, please help us" Now that it is introduced to the player, you will of course have at the beginning people that go all Leroy Jenkins style and get themselves absolutely demolished by the Z's but after a time people will learn to cooperate to complete the mission. After entering the town, the Z's are obviously everywhere but after working through the streets the players must enter the complex itself in order to avoid people doing a few flyovers with a Huehuehuey demolishing every Z and taking the loot without much effort. In the complex there should be tight corners to give the Z's the edge and so if you are not smart about your approach and or not adequately equipped, you will die. The complex must be dark so that you must have NVG's or other light sources in order to see clearly and the corridors should allow for an unwary group to be flanked by Z's. Now it is a military complex, so these Z's could very well be wearing body armour to make them harder but in order to compensate for this it could be so they had a chance to drop ammo for military guns or even a rare chance to drop other military items. At the end of the complex you find the survivors that called you, massacred by Z's, and this is the final fight. A horde, and I mean a horde, of zombies rushes the group and this forms the final fight. After this the players can loot the recently dead survivors for extremely good gear and perhaps even be able to hightail it out of there in a unique vehicle. This vehicle could be something such as the MT-LB, a russian Armoured Personal Carrier, which fits in with the theme and provides a massive reward for taking on such a challenge. Now, imagine all of this zombie challenge, with multiple groups vying for the loot. Ambushes in the city, chaos, not knowing who is friend or foe. The tension and fun that taking this station would provide would be astounding. I also propose that before the horde enters and the loot becomes available the doors will be locked behind the group that entered so that they can loot in peace. Thank you for reading if you bothered, I doubt anyone will.
  18. Rocket has said alot of things, my fear is that his endgame will simply be more guns.
  19. I too think that most griefers are hackers but that cannot be stopped, hmm your idea for setting up a doctor is interesting, It is why I would like to see a radio implemented that all people start off with so that communication across the land can occur. This way you could say 'Free doctors clinic located at Cherno Church' and such. That is an interesting player made endgame, I am simply sick of bandit hunting the land, even my old game of counter sniping Stary has gotten stale.
  20. That is oh so tactical and fun... especially when you lose all your gear within five minutes because even with the best gear in the game, cherno and elektro is suicide if you are there for too long. I am talking about an endgame, not suicide.
  21. Sentinal (DayZ)

    Crossbow bolts show up in gear after shooting zed

    And if you prone on a lighthouse your legs break, walk down stairs wrong and your legs break, prone in certain buildings and... you guessed it, your legs break. These buggy things will be fixed all in due time my friend.
  22. Well, that was just an example. The flexibility of this is good, you could have different places and even a voice on the radio telling you where certain stashes are etc. I just like the idea of people that you are trying to rescue are all dead, just adds that little sting of 'there is no hope' to the game. Makes the atmosphere even more dark.