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Everything posted by Hiddenderek

  1. Hiddenderek

    "Waiting for Character to create" - Read this!

    Connecting to a server with very low ping seems to fix it now.
  2. Hiddenderek

    Lag spikes?

    Anyone else suffer from lag spikes on DayZ every once in a while? It usually runs around 30-40 fps for me on very high settings, but i set it to low graphics and i still got lag spikes. I switched to several different servers and its pretty consistent regardless of the ping. Is that just a byfactor of it being in pre-alpha or is there some incompatibility with my computer? Because besides the lag spikes every once in a while it runs perfectly fine. Specs: nvidia geforce 450 gts 6 gigabytes of RAM 3.10 Ghz CPU 64 bit operating system EDIT: I don't get any lag spikes on the actual Arma II.
  3. Get a GeForce GTS450 if you are looking for a cheap, good graphics card thats under $100. I can run DayZ on Very High settings and generally get 40+ FPS.
  4. Hiddenderek

    Crossbow Hunting (Very Important)

    Where do you even GET a cross bow anyways.
  5. Hiddenderek

    Graphical Issues

  6. Hiddenderek

    Graphical Issues

    Yes, I am pretty astounded you found "much more graphically intensive games" than this. Name a few, maybe you have it on low settings so it seems less graphically intensive. Heres some screens of what it looks like on max settings:
  7. Hiddenderek

    Where are the guns?

    I have been roaming around the starting towns on several servers for around 4 hours now and I have yet to find anything resembling a gun. Anyone know where to look? Because I have had zero progress.
  8. Hiddenderek

    Where are the guns?

    Note to self: Never go on largely populated servers unless you have alot of gear and are looking to pvp. Lost my stupid AK47 to some sniper.
  9. Hiddenderek

    My gear!!!

  10. Hiddenderek

    Where are the guns?

    Got an AK47. Yay! How much meat from hunting does it take to restore a significant amount of blood? I already stopped the bleeding but i want to get rid of this grey look.
  11. Hiddenderek

    Where are the guns?

    Are farms and deer stands generally away from towns? Because thats [towns] where i have been mainly looking...
  12. Hiddenderek

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I can't think of another game that has this realistic of foliage.
  13. Hiddenderek

    Error Direct3D9 Graphic engine

    You ether dont have DirectX installed correctly or you didnt follow installation directions correctly. Read this thread for help: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2421
  14. Hiddenderek

    Textures not loading right?

    go into draggable window mode (When at server select menu, press alt+enter), resize the screen to your liking, and then try print screen again.
  15. Hiddenderek

    DayZ Screenshots!

    I don't know what the heck they are doing. Something tells me I don't want to.
  16. Hiddenderek

    How do I get rid of the debug menu?

    I just want the entire GUI gone besides the back pack menu. It would be great to not know how much sound you are making and instead use your intuition. And that Debug menu is a pain to look at and covers up other parts of the gui and screws up my screenshots of the game. They never should have added it imo.
  17. Hiddenderek

    bad version

    Are you logging in through steam? Try logging in through the six launcher.
  18. Every time I try to join a server on the six updater, I get this message: Error creating 3D graphical engine. I installed both games through steam and put the DayZ folder in ArmaII, the Addons folder in OA after setting the parameters to the folders in their respective steam locations. I also am not running a beta patch. I don't know whats wrong. Sometimes I also get a message saying there is no serial number in Startup. I don't get it. Im starting to think i wasted 30 dollars on this.... Also, another error message i sometimes get is: Addon Day Z code requires Addon building parts.