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Everything posted by memerlord420

  1. memerlord420

    Enfield vs. Chopper!

    "Fucking James Bond, bitches!"
  2. memerlord420

    Stuck at Setup Completed

    Hello, I am running Dayz through DayZ Commander and trying to run through Steam. Recently someone used this odd script on me that controlled my player, I got killed in this state and I believe this triggered the error as it wasn't happening before the event. My main problem is that when joining a server, it brings me straight to Setup Completed, Please Wait with a black screen and HUD. I have sat through it twice and it takes 30 minutes until I am spawned in Debug Plains with no loot and then I get kicked from the server. I have pressed ESC and hit respawn so it kills me, and when I relog it gives me no gender option, just brings me straight to Setup Completed. I have searched this problem on the forums and only found one topic of the same problem, but no fixes. I asked my friends and I found a temporary fix, apparently my game is messed up only on the CD KEY that I bought. My friend gave me a CD KEY with a program that allowed me to change CD KEYS without reinstalling the game, but I cannot play the game on steam, as steam automatically switches back to my old CD KEY. I have attempted reinstalling my game, Dayz, Steam, Beta patches, Battleye, and DayZ Commander. My point is, I'd like to be able to run my game through steam again, also, that CD KEY had my main character, with all my good loot. The new CD KEY, or course, makes me start over. Any ideas anyone?
  3. This has probably been asked and answered before, but I have searched the forums and found no fix. FIXED: Select both steam boxes on Dayz Commander I start my game using DayZ Commander, set to launch through Steam. All versions are up to date. I am able to join any server with a beta patch older than mine, but joining any server using the most recent (one I have installed) will kick me before I get to the lobby for the above reason.. Any help? Multiple people have the same problem. Things I have tried: Reinstalling Dayz Reinstalling Arma2 and Arma2 OA Reinstalling most recent beta patch Thanks, -Elliott
  4. memerlord420

    Character RESET

    My friends and I got reset too... whole hive reset maybe?
  5. memerlord420

    I got a feeling...

    I swear, it's been this slow for two weeks now.. quite annoying.
  6. memerlord420

    Stuck at Setup Completed

    Thanks for the info! I want to start with that I have not installed any type of malware or anything to allow someone to get my CD KEY. Also, the program I used to change my CD KEY to the new one was a program created by a friend of mine, it is a simple line of code and I didn't get it from any sites. I checked if my CD KEY was blacklisted and it was not. My idea is that as you said, my 'spot' in the hive for my CD KEY was corrupted. Finally, I just want to know, is there any way I can play on my new CD KEY with Steam, say if I made a new steam account?
  7. memerlord420

    Stuck at Setup Completed

    Anyone with help? This is quite frustrating.
  8. memerlord420

    Stuck at Setup Completed

    Like I said in the OP, once I try to move in the Debug Plains, it kicked me from the server. The two times I tried this, it was on two different servers.
  9. Sorry for the bump, but I have this same exact problem. Anyone have any fixes? It happened to me when some hacker used some sort of script to control me.. the hacker made me kill myself and then this started happening. Thanks.
  10. memerlord420

    Who's the traitor?

    Yeah, but you laughed too.
  11. memerlord420

    what happened to my character

    Are you joining a different map server or entering a private hive server? That's all I can think of..
  12. memerlord420

    My start to Dayz

    Here's a tip: If the com is live, lower your game volume so it's not so much louder than your voice.
  13. memerlord420

    Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection

    Fixed it, didn't select both boxes. Thanks. Read OP
  14. Not sure, haven't played Takistan yet, my crew wanted to play it and I'm getting stuck at loading too :/
  15. memerlord420

    Cell phones.

    Quite a silly idea, although, tweak this idea to the idea of the radio having a use. This is a zombie apocalypse, people use walky talkies to communicate in most of the movies and games, why not here. Say you could have a push to talk button and others can hear you talking if they're in range as if it was direct chat, but the person you're talking to can also here you. Also, maybe the idea of people faintly being able to hear receiving sounds.
  16. I was killed by a hacking admin. I killed him on his clan's server with my MK48 and then he TPd us all to the NW Airfield to blow us up with satchels.
  17. memerlord420

    Internet Privacy and You

    *Changes forums email* :o
  18. memerlord420

    Golden AKS founded :/

    I was watching Etalyx and saw it, the gun is definitely hacked in, I'd leave it on the body and select hide body.
  19. memerlord420

    Revenge in Berezino

    To Teoga and Frog from US114, thanks for the AKM mags. My friend mcc4ll and I were in the Northen Berezino supermarket on a Texas server when the server crashed, we both had been looting and trying our best not to attract a horde, but we were holding off loads of zeds that we accidentally attracted. We met on the US114, a small Kansas based server, which was full before the crash, after the crash we logged onto our home server (114). We were safe in the market, still. We went into the back and I had finally found a mag for my AKM, when suddenly, Mcc was shot. He was yelling to me on Teamspeak for help, I was panicking and in shock, the man's name was Frog. Frog walked out the door and started defending the area from zombies, I walked right up behind him and unloaded my last 15 bullets into the back of his head. I walk back into the market, Mcc is yelling over his microphone and I'm looking for him. I find a woman crouched bleeding thinking it was mcc and started giving a blood transfusion, but she killed me, her name was Teoga. Teoga found Mcc bleeding outside and put him out of his misery. From now on we promised not to fire at each other. I had a fun time, also I respawned in 'quarry' and ran to berezino and got all my stuff + more.
  20. memerlord420

    Question: Sniper's second weapon?

    I roll with a silenced m4 in my primary slot and my DMR in my ALICE bag for when I'm ready to snipe. My sidearm is an M9 I found in a deer stand ;o
  21. memerlord420

    How to screw with people

    Invisibility glitch? Happened to me before, I was saving people.
  22. memerlord420

    I'm a noob. I need help. I have questions.

    Use the Enter key on the numpad for 3rd person The way zombies pathfinding works is a little (really) buggy. And, I too cannot find food easily, have you searched the pockets of the zombies?