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About ooC

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Good day all. I was playing on this server a week back or so. Spent a lot of time in game. Got busy with irl stuff, and now I try and rejoin the server, it say's I have been banned. I get the * You were kicked from the server Battleye:Admin ban * message every time I join. Could an admin of this server shed some light. Kindly unban me please. I look forward to playing again. Ingame nick was - therapist Thank you.
  2. Hey - just got back home after a break, installed the arma patch 96061. Tried to play some Dayz and I get the Battleye Banned, right after joining the server. I don't recall or have used any scripts or etc, so that's out of the question. This happened 1 hour ago roughly. I remember being on the Dayz server. RU 2 or RU 3. Killed a few people in Cherno and a bandit. Then I went out to do some chores, got back applied the new patch, fired up Dayz and get the banned thingy now. I am very confused if this is an admin who has banned for maybe killing him or something, cause I did get 2 kills in the same place with different people which makes me assume he died, re-spawned and tried to get his gear unsuccessfully dying again. I am not Global banned, nor do I get any other information regarding to a code or stuff to make out what caused it so I am pretty much clueless. I can join other servers successfully, patch 96061 and even others. I am banned from most RU servers which pisses me off cause all my stuff is there and always high population. Some information or advice would be great. Thanks
  3. ooC

    steam question

    Forgive my ignorance but a quick question. Through steam library. I have only Arma II and Arma II:OA. There is no Arma II:CO like the op mentioned. (I purchased CO yesterday and currently downloading). Am I missing something ? Thanks in advance
  4. ooC

    Good game

    Game's in Alpha. Just start over. All the best :)
  5. Nice story and even better shooting. I look forward to more of these threads too, as Im about to join ingame in a few hours for the first time :) Can't wait for it.