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Makrov (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Makrov (DayZ)

  1. Fuck this game im quitting. Why?

    MY l85 is gone.

    And on my GPS om on 183185 so im on fucking nowere on the map. Fucking shitty game.

    Never gonna play this shit. Only if u developers Give my weapon back and my regular place that was in Stary Sobor before i updated this shitttfuck.

    Not going to lie... that's one of the saddest things I've heard in my life. Half the game is about losing your stuff. Get over it.

  2. I'm more than willing to help out where need be. Scavenging, taking watch, whatever is needed. I've got a mic and am more than willing to communicate. At the moment I have nothing physical to offer, but I do have arma experience and put a loaded gun in my hand I'm as good as the next guy.

    Steam: Killjoy

    Skype: Makrov45
