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About IrishSoulja

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    On the Coast
  1. IrishSoulja

    Cannot run or aim down sights of weapon

    No I'm not frozen ingame, my character just walks constantly, and when I press the button to aim down the sights, nothing happens
  2. Is it the server or just me? I've tried several servers and it's all the same story, my character cannot aim down the sights of the gun and cannot run either. I noticed the temperature icon has gone white, is that anything to do with it? I havn't messed around with the controls before either.
  3. Okay I will definitely look into this thank you! I followed all the instructions on that video but now all I get is a message saying "I cannot play/edit this mission" also I still get the "Bad version" error too
  4. Yes I bought the game and OA through steam
  5. I've actually managed to fix that problem but now I have another Whenever I try to join a server there's a 50/50 chance it'll either say "Bad version, server rejected connection" or "Failed to connect" How do I fix this? I've installed the latest version of battleye, the latest version of DayZ and I've installed the latest beta patch, I don't know what else to do!
  6. First I was not being allowed to join servers even though I have the latest version of battleye, and I installed the DayZ mod using 6 Launcher I heard that I would need the latest beta patch, so I did just that and installed version 94444 or whatever, and now a new problem has arisen. When I try to run the game through steam it says "Cannot run 3D graphical engine" or something along those lines My PC specs: Intel i7 quad core 3.4 GHz 8GB RAM Nvidia GeForce 1GB GTX 550ti 2TB HDD Although before installing the beta patch it used to say "Bad version, server rejected connection" even though I was running on the latest version of DayZ (I double checked)