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Everything posted by Zarfir

  1. Zarfir

    Eddy the Bus... GONE!

    no not bad luck. in when u fix up a a vehicles it will respawn back it its spawn point after the server resets. u cant do anything about it. its just a pug
  2. Zarfir


    vehicle will save. just not the stuff u put in it
  3. Zarfir

    Pack oddness

    yeah its a bug. u just need to pick up the items around it and then u can take it.
  4. yeah we feel the same way. it cant be right when u pay your own money for a server and u cant do shit about all this hacking
  5. yeah we got GB #126 like 4-5 days ago and its bin under constant hacking attack ever since. we have submitted tickets about it whit there scribts. what els can we do?
  6. Zarfir


    oh finally i found the hate post. well guys this is what u get from being idiotic kids got fed up whit these guys and i preaty much put most of the work in to get camp up. and izitghel played EVE for 2 years not in to it anymore :D
  7. its a damn Alpha get used to it.
  8. Zarfir

    Defending our camp at Devil's Keep.

    fail whit the 3rd person. just lol,s
  9. hey i am trying to start up a new group add me on steam :Gummibear17
  10. Looking for players for New group/clan hey i want to start a new surviver group/clan. looking for muture players 18+ and guys/girls from EU TZ. goal is to set up a camp get cars/heli,s and i got a TS server for coms. add me on Steam if your interested so we can get a talk. user name is Gummibear17 looking for 6-8 guys so be quick if u want in
  11. Zarfir

    Looking for a Group!

    Looking for players for New group/clan hey i want to start a new surviver group/clan. looking for muture players 18+ and guys/girls from EU TZ. goal is to set up a camp get cars/heli,s and i got a TS server for coms. add me on Steam if your interested so we can get a talk. user name is Gummibear17
  12. Zarfir

    Introducing New Player(s)

    Looking for players for New group/clan hey i want to start a new surviver group/clan. looking for muture players 18+ and guys/girls from EU TZ. goal is to set up a camp get cars/heli,s and i got a TS server for coms. add me on Steam if your interested so we can get a talk. user name is Gummibear17
  13. hey i want to start a new surviver group/clan. looking for muture players 18+ and guys/girls from EU TZ. goal is to set up a camp get cars/heli,s and i got a TS server for coms. add me on Steam if your interested so we can get a talk. user name is Gummibear17