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Everything posted by SilasDrake

  1. SilasDrake

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    on our way friend go to lobby in 939 and repost your cords or relevant location
  2. SilasDrake

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    does anyone have the new ts3 server up ? if we dont have voice comms for our lives that need to be saved i can host a server, also me and a friend want to team up for medic work we are geared with medical supplies and ready to serve chenarus survivors
  3. ya know id love to come but yea what others said im shure theres some asshole campin out
  4. honestly thayre just scripters when this moves to a standalone whenre 90% of armaII is scripted and all admin commands are scripts this will happen and honestly if a hacker nukes a town i could care less dont take long to find equipement the only thing id be depressed about is my nvgs but everything is replaceable my friend so buck up and suck it up and play the game oooo he has a thermal as50 whoopty dooooooooo shoot em before he shoots you or learn to hide when u decide to sit out in the open like a tard keep moveing dont go afk get a life go QQ somewhere else its a game its ALPHA if ur server dont have round the clock admins GTFO and find one that does day 25 merc server hero medic GET SOME!!!
  5. all in all it still comes down to hey thats my shit not yours its all for me and no u cant have any of it its dumb day 25 survived btw after 3 sets of 8-10 days got a nice squad and more to come
  6. then ur a f**kin f*g who cares if its hacked in get ur own dont be a hater if he dident spawn it in he has no fault he might be useing it but dosent mean he can shoot same thing goes for l85 aws u can still kill a fu**er before he sees u
  7. To whomever can help id like to reduce the dim to bright flickering when im walking through woods its hell on my eyes any way i can make it better without blinding me
  8. for some reason it keeps saying no game found are the games installed correctly the opens options screen im assumeing it keeps trying to open the default path whish i have it on a differnt HD some help please i have tryed to reinstall dident work
  9. SilasDrake

    No game found error in six updater

    yea i did i out my exact game path in arma II original says the same thing