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Everything posted by Xtian

  1. Yah it gets to be a little much when 10 people are talking at once. But yes I can understand why every one would want to be on for the helicopter ride. Today was fun tho :)
  2. Nice. Was just on the server tonight. Will be on more now.
  3. Yah last night was pretty crazy. To many damn people yelling on TeamSpeak! Are you the guy I got the AWS from under the helicopter? Haha. And thanks for watching the vids!
  4. Thanks man. We're going to keep making them.
  5. Thanks brother! Much appreciated! I've been busy with work, and then making the DayZ videos. Trying to get on to play right now tho :)
  6. It's very possible it is. I don't have access to all the game sounds so we have to make due with some of the stuff we have.
  7. What's up F4II3N! I think I play on your server, US199 right? I play with my friend Smopy, who I think you know. Thanks for checking out the vid.
  8. Glad you got the direct chat bit! :) I like the Alt+F4 idea. Hopefully they don't take it out before we can make a vid about it :)
  9. Thanks! I think the next video is about breaking a leg. :)
  10. Just finished this today! Hope you enjoy!
  11. Also, does anyone know how I can get a hold of Dean Hall? I'd like to see if someone there can help me get the models and sounds out of the game so we can use them in the videos.
  12. Thanks a bunch guys! It's fun making this stuff, so I'm glad you enjoy it. We're shooting another one tonight.
  13. I have several tents, and had loot in all of them. I logged back in after taking a break and all the items were gone but the tents were still there. Any way to get this stuff back? Thanks!
  14. I'm pretty sure that I wasn't looted because I have a vehicle in the same location and it was still there, and was full of all my gear. Is there something special you're supposed to do? I clicked "save tent" and all that already...
  15. So I've been a fan of the game for a while now, but it's beginning to be hard to come back to the game. Every time I collect a bunch of gear and make my way north, a new patch comes out and I lose my characters position and all my gear. Is this just me or does it happen to everybody? Is there something I can do to stop this from happening? Thanks guys! X
  16. Holy shit dude that worked! If you spawn on the beach with none of your gear, run into a town and let a zombie kill you. When you start a new guy (don't click respawn), you start in the position you left off, with your gear. Thank you SlutMonkey!!!
  17. I hear you brother, I'm just curious if the problem is something that can be solved or what. It's just tough to get into the game if every other day my shit is lost. I'm gonna try what SlutMonkey suggested and kill myself and hopefully I'll respawn at my old body [i'm glad I've written that sentence]. X
  18. Hey guys, I'm a huge fan of this game. I recently made a parody video of DayZ on my YouTube channel, and now I want to make another one. My question is, how can I extract the sounds/music/3d models out of the game, or is that possible? For the last video I just recorded my self playing the game and then used those sounds, but I'd much rather have the original files. Any help with be really appreciated! Thanks! Oh and here's the last DayZ video we did:
  19. Posted this in /r/dayz on reddit and those guys seemed to like it. Figured this would be a good place to post as well. Thanks for checking it out! http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/w0lae/my_first_experience_playing_dayz_live_action/
  20. Thanks man :) Hopefully we'll make some more.
  21. This is pretty much what actually happened to me the first time I played the game. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/w0lae/my_first_experience_playing_dayz_live_action/