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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. This is hilarious. I've stolen 10+ vehicles the past two weeks and all I have now is a bicycle. You will never keep a vehicle that long if you place it far north or west. Kids don't roam those woods. Searching for camps is a legit way to play the game. I haven't looted an airfield or tree stand in a while since I can just find vehicles and tents with gear.
  2. adam_ronan@yahoo.com

    FIX the TENTS

    I am jealous. I assume they still dupe? I've had to attempt what seemed like 100 times to get it to go down in a good spot. A terrible spot, wide open and flat, should take less than ten tries. It's buggy.
  3. adam_ronan@yahoo.com

    FIX the TENTS

    Oh I'm sure they know. I've been attempting a tent every day and have had two save. Those two just come back duping what was in them originally, not saving anything else.
  4. I made a thread too. I logged. Got back on to check and now the forest is on fire.
  5. Playing on US 5. 4:05 PM EST Was teleported to a forest area with invisible players moving around. I immediately logged.
  6. A friend and I started looking for hidden ones on my bicycle about 5 days ago. We have found a Bus, Ural, ATV x2, Tractor, Motorbike, White Pickup x2, V3S, and lastly a blue Van. The Ural, one ATV, and one Pickup were stolen. Tractor, second Pickup, V3S were all stolen and recovered quickly. One ATV and one red Motorbike lost to glitches sadly. It's a fun game and I will keep on playing.
  7. Yeah I thought I had learned all of the issues with ATV. Just found another one and was stoked. Got thrown in the air at some train tracks. ATV blew up and I was knocked out for 5 minutes. My friend saved my life rofl.
  8. I ran off the second level of a barn yesterday and was thinking, "Oh here we go". Didn't break anything.
  9. Well some observations. Ghillie worked fine for me. Friend and I tried two tents. My tent saved 4 generic items I was testing. Now that tent won't save anything else and respawns with the initial gear. Friends tent went down and as he was loading stuff the server reset meaning it was empty when we came back, as expected. Now that tent won't save anything and comes back empty after a reset.
  10. adam_ronan@yahoo.com

    Wipe all tents...

    Yes. I met a guy in Cherno and we've been playing together for a few weeks. We decided to go vehicle hunting for the first time. We found a Ural Civ and later on a V3S. The loot was rediculous. One truck had 4 L8AWS, 5 AS50, 3 NVG, 3 Rangefinders, 3 GPS, 8 M9SD!? The other one wasn't as bad but bad enough. Honestly thinking about blowing it up but doesn't it just come back? Maybe park it in the plains so it resets? But yeah I would be happy with a total wipe. I will forfeit my kit of anything I could ever want.
  11. Just asking. Found them earlier near the edge. Your shit isn't safe at any time.
  12. Was it a pickup and a motorbike?
  13. Now you know. I learn something new from every death.
  14. Tents do not work right now. How do people still not know this?
  15. At a server restart it should be where you last saved it. I blew up my ATV and came back to find it where i saved it the next day. It was in need of repairs though but it started up.
  16. So I just had a heli fly over me and my vehicle... better move. *sigh* Need to get this under control! Edit: Sure enough god mode guy rode up on a motorcycle and took half of my clip and my friend got about 50 rounds out of his LMG yet we died. Server went down 4 minutes later :).
  17. Me and a friend found this yesterday. Not 5 minutes after everyone was teleported to the ocean. We did run back however and escaped with the truck, so it was definitely unrelated. Oh and I also noticed that ammo and was intrigued. Ellind if you read this. I had you in my sights one day at the NEAF. I think we were the only 2 online and I was cruising around on my bike. I am not a cold blooded KOS murderer but I did enjoy watching you creep along looting. If I were an asshole sniper I would have had too much time to take you out :D. This server has been a blast for me. I will be around for a bit.
  18. Vehicles still work. I was on a mission yesterday to get one so I could have a stash. Tested it through a server restart and they still work.
  19. adam_ronan@yahoo.com

    Tent Question

    Right now tents wont save anything you put in them. Hopefully its fixed with the patch this week.
  20. That was very inconvenient. Me and my friend were far north on an ATV and had just found a Civilian Ural. Had to run all the way back.
  21. Yeah I played about 3 hours earlier today setting up 3 tents. Logged back in to find all 3 didn't save. Ran way over to a tent I had placed 4 deaths ago and it was still there with guns I'm pretty positive I had taken out. Tents are wack right now.