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About Janooba

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    On the Coast
  1. Janooba

    Underground Bases?

    I would like a source on this, just because I'm curius.
  2. Not exactly hard to tell what just happened. I hit the respawn button instead of Options while I was in a hurry. Well shit. An "Are you sure?" Confirmation would be a nice addition
  3. Except me, I hate the thought of inflicting the frustration I get when killed, onto another player. On another note, one thing that has been bothering me, is that when you get the jump on someone, its not just an advantage. You win. Period. I think it's almost too easy to kill someone, the victim never has a fighting chance unless the bandit has terrible aim.
  4. I think it's because of a domino effect. As long as there is a few bandits who shoot on sight, everyone else will be afraid of that. So much so that they assume everyone they meet is a bandit, and shoot on site. The ones killed by those assume they were killed by a bandit, not a scared survivor. It goes on. Then you get what we have here, a kill or be killed society.