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Everything posted by JimMountain

  1. Seriously haha, effective communication is key in this game and I see a lot of the more succesful squads using some sort of military based code to be most effective on the battlefield...
  2. JimMountain

    US 303 Dallas clansm.net Admin Abuse

    6:40-6:45 pm pacific time everyone is teleporting into the same place... US 303 is getting hacked once again.... This sucks. Lots of my friends and I are getting killed.
  3. Why yesh, in fact, thish man wash playing with ush last night.
  4. JimMountain

    Kid who aborted on US 303

    DUDE PICKALS We got the guys who we engaged! They found north camp and were looting it when I snuck up behind 2 of them and got them with the M14. While I provided overwatch all stealth like, Mr. Gone came to camp to grab the rangefinder and NVG's off one of the guys but after a while of waiting for the rest of the boys to come, he got sniped from across the lake(the exposed side). Memphis came up shortly after to try and reloot all the rare shit we found off their corpses but he got sniped too... Organized 5th and they snuck up behind the sniper and we all popped out at the same time and killed them all except for 1 who Alt+F4'd after we shot him. Now we have 2 range finders, an m107, 2 pairs of NVGs and a bunch of other cool guns/gear :) I was literally waiting for an hour hidden from sight waiting for the team to congregate and get the sniper.