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Herb (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Herb (DayZ)

  1. Herb (DayZ)

    Random Alien Encounters

    dont forget pirates and ninjas
  2. Herb (DayZ)

    Flip ATV

    I actually did flip it on a bridge, believe it or not
  3. Herb (DayZ)

    Flip ATV

    It's not that easy, I've had to do it in real life before. They weigh a lot.
  4. Herb (DayZ)

    Killed by AS50 at night on empty server?

    I died. He must be hacking.
  5. Herb (DayZ)

    Don't call while flying.

    i like how you survived with 9k blood
  6. Herb (DayZ)

    Chopper glitch?

    You can survive a heli crash, but you will have at most like 800 blood left, and you can parachute out of a moving heli.
  7. Herb (DayZ)

    Flip ATV

    Add a vehicle jack item to unflip it
  8. Herb (DayZ)

    If the standalone came with a new map...

    i would like split biome
  9. Herb (DayZ)


    some of these are really good as long as the animals make sense in the area the map is in
  10. Herb (DayZ)

    Most dangerous?

    Elektro is smaller, so the snipers and people are all looking at one square.
  11. Herb (DayZ)

    WORLD OF ZOMBIECRAFT, rockets rich!

    can any of you spot the obvious troll?
  12. Herb (DayZ)

    Team Size?

    I'm usually with 2 or 3, not real life friends but we have known each other for years.
  13. Herb (DayZ)

    Revised rpg skill system

    i gave you beans for that just to take them away
  14. hackers spawning you in the ocean
  15. Herb (DayZ)

    My story of getting great loot

    There's a thread for stories
  16. *mutes ingame voip* *talks on TS with friends*
  17. Herb (DayZ)

    So I had this Heli

    And I picked up all these fresh spawns, then accidently crashed it into a field, survived with 800 blood, and found another survivor (of the crash) who gave me a blood pack and then went back to the heli to get stuff from all the other dead bodies when it exploded again. :c Now I'm all alone in the middle of nowhere, no idea where I am, surrounded by zombies at midnight. Fun times.
  18. Herb (DayZ)

    Dogs are comming!

    Really? I had no idea
  19. Herb (DayZ)

    What is the longest you have been alive?

    17 days then got killed by a fence that blew up my bus
  20. Herb (DayZ)

    Running Speed calculations?

    you run at like 10 kmph edit: was thinking mph. nvm
  21. Herb (DayZ)

    Loosing stuff in fireplace

  22. Herb (DayZ)

    DayZ for Counsoles :]

    If it could go onto console then I say go for it, would keep out a lot of the cod kids [from the PC version]
  23. Herb (DayZ)

    Hacker shot out of helicopter with M104

    Do you even play this game?
  24. Herb (DayZ)

    NVG's imba.

    game isnt made to be balanced
  25. So they ruin the gameplay, but you hoarding all of the vehicles doesn't ruin it for anyone else?