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Posts posted by Brianide

  1. Yes ITS BORING running for 15 mins and there is no way to chat while doing that.Immersion breaking.My ass.That much realism will only hurt the mods future.

    Running into other players is supposed to be an uncommon and tense occasion. Constantly have three or more people babbling about inane shit and arranging meetups on the left side of the screen was poisonous to the atmosphere the game tries to maintain.

    That being said, I'd personally have no issue with it being brought back as a server option. Tags are still optional, and I find them much more annoying than side-chat.

    If you really want to chat with people, find a TS/Vent server and group up with someone. There's a sticky thread on this forum with a 500-slot server.

    Stop Being Dicks and acting like your some gods to the 'underground' gaming world. There is no sense in being so hateful towards another fellow dayz player. If you hate people asking questions than 1) why did you click the title to go come to this thread? 2) why are you on the internet?

    OP: they removed it before i started playing dayz, but i think it should be brought back.

    Did you read the first page? The OP is the one telling people to fuck off to a single-player game for disagreeing with him.