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About jay535

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Give up now. Hacks have always been a problem in ARMA. All I can suggest is getting on servers that are administered well. This is what concerns me. Maybe they're unable or unwilling to fix the hacker problem as evidenced by it always being a problem in ARMA. If that's the case then DayZ will never reach it's potential and will be severely hindered.
  2. So... why are we still playing this mod when it's so fatally flawed?
  3. Twice in one night the servers I've been in (Atlanta 15 & NY8, I think) have been hacked and all players were killed instantly. This is ruining the game for me and I'm having serious thoughts about even playing again until someone stops the hackers. If they're unable to stop the hackers this mod will turn into a simple deathmatch focused in Cherno and Elektro because no one will want to invest any time and effort into their characters. It seems to be becoming that already I'm afraid. Sad.