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Everything posted by InversionSR

  1. InversionSR


    Just reminding people this board is about coming up with constructive ideas of how to improve/progress the game. I seem to get a decent amount of rage on my posts saying how the game shouldn't change/move forwards and plenty of "man up " and "you noob" posts for suggesting we try to allow new players a chance to learn the game. I wish to remind anyone who reads this the forums are for constructive criticism, NOT over-compensating for the size of your genitalia and boasting. These actions are counter constructive in general. Before you post think am i giving an explanation as to why this is/isn't a good idea. Why do i personally get upset by the idea of changes that would add more noob players to the regular players of the servers. Hopefully this has gotten through to the people ive seen spamming other posts ie the spawn with a weapon petition http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17309&page=4 which has got no end of rage and boasting etc on it from "hardcore" players. I personally think these players are morons if they feel the only way to help the game is to prevent any changes as this is still a alpha/beta mod and is still in production I consider myself privileged to play dayz and would like to see it grow. This requires constructive and innovative ideas and i wish to also thank the players posting constructively on the forums helping rocket and his group improve the game. Thanks Inversions :) People can also give rocket some slack as he isn't some all knowing, all seeing game God, hes a very skilled individual (FROM NEW ZEALAND ;) ) who is working on an impressive mod :)
  2. I posted this elsewhere and it kind of brought up the issue ive been having with me and my friends joining the game. Main problems 1. Very hard surviving without weapon, especially since im an unlucky person in computer games but very lucky in real life. 2. Almost impossible to meet -up without using the on-line maps and re spawning until you get close to ur friends. 3. Leeway the Mod should still be noob friendly to some extent so new players can join, but also hardcore so all the "hardcore/seasoned players" have fun. 4. the makarov and 6 mags, food, water and bandages was one extreme of too much starting resources. Starting with 1 bandage is the opposite extreme. Why not a melee weapon or simply 2 bandages, 1 thing of food, 1 of water/coke. 5. Server difficulty? it doesn't do anything at the moment but perhaps players could have different starts and stat drains (ie food,water, blood), easy could be spawning with the makarov and ammo etc, normal a melee and bandages, hard/"core" could be spawning with nothing. This could also be applied to the PVP aspects ie easy no pvp or maybe only inland, normal pvp but not along coastal/main spawn areas (to encourage the making of teams), Hard full pvp with spawn killing etc.server data could hold a different save for each difficulty option 6. I really like this mod and i think it could be so much more massive, maybe even a game in itself ($$). and its made by a kiwi!! Anyway heres the post that inspired it, tell em what you think? (in a constructive way, since thats how you improve a game, not by spamming "man up noob" RE: Suggestion: Realism please! LOL AT REALISM. The original reason for not spawning with anything is they felt it wasn't "hardcore"/immersive enough to spawn with a gun and ammo. In a zombie apocalypse people wouldn't just run off into the wilderness with torch and a bandage so they could be more :"hardcore". I personally have a variety of melee weapons at home i would take as well as bandages, food, water and a scoped 22. rifle. At the very least i would take a bit of metal pipe or a wooden board first opportunity i got. Its what any semi-intelligent human being would do. On the other hand most people have only one or two guns per family if in the country and generally would take them with them so max realism would probably make guns and ammo AMAZINGLY SCARCE, but would make food, water, melee weapons and medical supplies AMAZINGLY COMMON as almost every living person in the 2nd and first world countries owns theses. So more realism would make survival loot ie bandages really common, but people wouldn't kindly drop rifles and ammo on the floor. So the issue is this where to draw the line, do we want realism of Fewer guns more food etc, but more intelligent post apocalypse survivors or more hardcore with much fewer new players joining the mod due to the difficulty of surviving up to 33 minutes? ill just leave it there...
  3. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    Great! They might learn to get off the fucking coast. Better for them in the long run anyway. Ignorance is bliss!!! Yes, the mod is well on its way to half a million alpha testers and it's going to "die" because it doesn't serve up success on a silver platter to day one newbies on the bean coast. I love these proclamations of doom because the game is hard. Same shit they said about EVE: Online. Ten years ago. Lols ignorance, LOTS of mods have died Many bigger than this. The simple reality is yes the mod could "survive" for a while off its veteran players, until they get bored, but a steady stream of new players. Imagine if world of warcraft had made it so new players now had to reach lvl 50 to unlock the ability to fight back, the game wouldnt last long as new paleyrs would loose interest Anyway this isnt contructive go find some other forum to rage about noob etc on as this is supposed to be a constructive forum for the mod and you just seem to want to poke little holes and ignore the original post and the ideas im putting forwards!! :) have a nice day! Not true. When you respawn you already know where you are (game shows name of location) so you already know where you are. Map is small' date=' running speed is not realistic (it's too fast) and DayZ needs ACE mod to add fatigue system (otherwise you can sprint forever) so you need about 15-30 minutes to get to your buddy. Also such elements like terrain association, navigation, etc are park of the DayZ. You won't get any sort of HUD to tell you where you need to go. If you add option to spawn next to your buddy, game lost another it's unique feature and there will be no drawback for being lame and dying. -ME- LOL yeh for half a second it says on the bottom of the screana dn if you load a online map you may guess where you spawned. ... Doesnt really cover my idea of selecting spawn region or spawning on your friends squad and you still would be navigating after you met your friend, it wouldnt break the game.... Perhaps you should try playing this game with your friends to appreciate the frustrations of tryign to locate them especially if you/them are both new. As mentioned earlier game is not difficult if you know what you are doing and think about it. Weapons, food, water, other supplies are almost everywhere and zombies are easy to avoid. Most newcomers also make a huge mistake: they go straight to DayZ and play it. Imho it would be useful for them to play some ArmA 2 tutorials and learn about game and controls first. -ME- Ironically youtube is currently the only way for new players to have a chance if they dont jsut go back to americas aren't or another game. I appreciate your "pro" and have your running roots and know where good places to find weapons etc are but mosts noobs dont... And yes the controls help theres also the options->key bindings or whatever, but this doesn't really help you survive. In a response further down i suggested different difficulties on servers so you can have noob servers with spawn with pistols no pvp= survival based, middle servers melee, pvp. and hard for those who feel really Hardcore. On reflection your response is more a boast then anything constructive on how to make it so new players can join. -ME- http://dayzmod.com/index.php they put the average time on the webpage LOl its actually dropped, but still its there -ME- SO hopefully this has helped illuminate some stuff and prevent more dayz is the love of my life and you cant change a thing about him posts, not saying this is one but there are a few. Hopefulyl this has made some constructive ideas or at least made people think of ways to Improve the game Sorry if you feel singled out dude but i actually do this to everyone who doesnt make any suggestions about constructive changes :) hope this doesnt ruin your day
  4. InversionSR

    Bandit, AND Survivor Rewards.

    50% damage increase!! YEHA COWBOYS!!! nah that seems excessive. still decent point about advantaging each of them issue is if you advantage both then how big/small do you make it as 50% is pretty crasy, neway interesting new idea
  5. InversionSR

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    Sounds like fun, gives you more choices than death by bandit or death by zombies and gives an end game objective ie defend/ assault reclaimed towns, maybe make 2 sides bandits and survivors who can capture/raid strongholds. So a town could be held by any of the above 3. Maybe these places could have places to eat/recieve medical care, drink (but not take it with you) there is an issue of capturing all towns would mean less ammo/weapons spawns though. Also perhaps make zombie counter attacks on captured towns after random time periods in varying numbers, creating a need to deploy barbed wire and set defenses. add in a zombie defense and town capture stats to the stats bar.
  6. InversionSR

    Let players choose where they spawn.

    Why not use regions, ie spawn on north east coast, east coast, inland etc. maybe make the map into say 9 chunks at least youd know roughly where you are as its AMAZINGLY HARD TO PLAY WITH FRIENDS as YOU CAN NEVER FIND THEM.
  7. InversionSR

    Make bicycles MORE common

    I like bikes :)
  8. YAY!!! Someone who thought it through before posting Definitly right in the first bit, 2nd bit maybe make it so theres more variation in the skins etc and that any player can find/equip a guille/camo etc. but theres also some average clothes you can spawn as and then work you way up by humanity based actions to unlock skins. Also if your a medic but get too little humanity ie decide to be a bandit it will change you skin and youll loose the unlocked skin and gain a bandit skin (skins being separate un-drop-able items) ^Only problem with this is apparently thier removing the bandit skin as bandits didnt like people being able to tell that they were going to shoot them.
  9. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    NOTE: i wasn't really after guns as a solution more so melee weapons as you can run away from a player, but its slighly harder to run from an inaccurate pistol or the zombie horde at the moment. Also guns arent really penaty free as choosing to use ur gun to save urself uses up ur ammo and attracted zombies, so the incentive to sneak was still there Sigh hate when people do this multiple posts thing as it makes it take longer to reply. the point was more that this is constructive/stuff they can work on. However there are some decent responses raised and some places where you seem to ahve missed the point so ive marked my bits with a -ME- Sorry guys this may be a little confusing to read over Well you're right about that. Fortunately I used a map on my cellphone from day one. "GPS" if you will, lol. But then if you have the map at the start, the game loses some of it's mystique at the beginning and don't have to find a map. -ME- Arent you meant to find a gps/map? Also my point is more about spawning not about maps, i don't care if i don't have a map i brought this game to play with my friends and its epically hard to find each other Hmm, I believe this is because if you have a weapon at the start you just start hacking everything, die, rinse repeat. Now that you don't have any means of defense, that means you have to sneak around atleast a little until you get hold of something. Even if you've been playing for a while already. -ME- melee weapon.... good for a few kills but you take a lot of hits and so you burn through bandages. So you still have to sneak like you do now/ did with a gun... unless you intend to fight all the zombies in a village with an axe... in which case good luck to you Rocket/DayZ Team has said that one of their biggest challenges is to make the game easy enough for noobs, hard enough for the more experienced ones? I would like to see servers having different difficulty settings, so noobs could go on an easy/regular server and learn a bit of the game. Then, when they think that they've gotten the basics they could move on to a more difficult one. But the problem here is, one starts at a noob server where PvP is limited, loots all the great rocket launchers, AWS, ghillies and what not and hops on to a hardcore server, so this would need to be countered somehow? Perheaps low high-end loot drops on easier servers, and normal on the difficult ones? Also, I'd like to see a feature that forces the player to commit to 1-3 servers. But the problem here is, there's so many players and so many different servers so you would probably have to queue for a looooong while. -ME- Nit-picking.... um so store the server saves separately for different difficulties and itll solve server hopping - theres a solution that actually really does solve both what rocket said and your issue with server hopping :) aren't i clever Glad you agree with the idea :) , not sure if commiting to 1-3 servers as my net can suck at times and i cant play on my normal servers, but can play on other no (max ping = 100) servers. - So this appears to be a good idea hint hint rocket :) I KNO RITE?! This game needs dynamicism though. Right now it's just here is safe, there is dangerous, there is no loot, here is loot. Oh zombies, run around. Rinse repeat. Danger/safety should be everywhere, not just the one static spots. See the links in my signature. -ME- :), and actually yeh to some of this im just suggesting a learning curve to assist new players into the mod with the pvp sugegstions Well, you leave it there. I'll just leave this here... -ME- Hehe No theres some useful points raised so ill answer them +1
  10. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    That is most definitely NOT the reason rocket gave when he implemented this. I hate when people just throw shit out like this with no basis in reality' date=' quote, or citation to base it on. They took your starting weapon away to see what happened. That's all. He wasn't trying to influence behavior one way or the other. It was just an experiment to see what effect it would have on the game. My experience? The coast is far safer and quieter. Fewer makarov rounds going off. Fewer dead bodies/flies. Fewer fire fights. It's most scared survivors looking for guns. Neat stuff. As for the difficulty of starting out, it's extremely easy. Go to farm buildings, get a weapon, voila. Not hard. [/quote'] You may want to do some research first. he actually didn't say hardcore exactly just they felt the start was too easy for experienced players and they wondered if removing the weapon would force teamwork, which it hasn't, so the original intent was all about weapons. LOL at fewer makarov rounds going off as now its just the sound of people cussing in chat about having no weapon. Now its just the noise of yankee sax (see youtube) as survivers run along the beach followed by zombies. Most new players are unlikely to be overly successful at locating a farm building along the coast. And without any lenience for new players the mod will die Also scared survivors looking for guns isn't hard to kill if your a bandit like the one mentioned above farming player kills but you should try re-spawning first and getting first hand experience before you comment. Personally ur comment pissed me off as you don't appear to have read through the post above
  11. InversionSR

    Spawn near friends

    So some of us have friends who also play, but there is no way to select what region you spawn at or if you can spawn next to your allies. This makes it Obnoxiously hard to meet up and since it is VERY hard to survive for noob players. When we do find our new friend via skype communication and maps hes usually just died and had to respawned somewhere else. Perhaps teamwork could be introduced into the game with a spawn on squad/friends option. Since this would encourage teamwork and allow new players a chance to actually learn the game as unless your very experienced at sneaking/ running around and loosing the zombies via glitching them behind fences its amazingly hard to make it anywhere close to that 33 minutes with only 1 bandage and a flash light. this could be part of a server difficulty option perhaps so hardcore players can spawn naked wherever(not literally naked) and noobs could go on easy servers and spawn with guns next to thier allies?
  12. InversionSR

    Spawn near friends

  13. InversionSR

    Make inventory weight based instead of slot based.

    Main issue is how tio balance this an empty AK47 is say is 3 kg or 4kg loaded, so it would be easy to farm and carry 4 ak47s at 12kg or 1 ak and 9 ak mags, but actually carrying 4 aks is pretty clumsy to do
  14. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    You do realize you can throw bottles and cans, right? Yeh i actually found that out an hour ago on youtube. i thought the cans may be jst troll/dud loot
  15. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    Got to agree here, how else will new players be able to learn on thier own without a weapon. but loot spots are luck of the draw, ie me and a friend started, i got a small town he got a barn, my town had 1 hatchet in it and 3 different mags and some food, his barn had a double barrel, winchester, ammunition bandages and roadflares. So its not as simple as finding a weapon in your first loot pile and then being set for life
  16. InversionSR


    Could they add non hardcore start option for new players. Its so hard to have to respawn after being player kill and having to die/respawn until im lucky enough to spawn next to a barn. No teamwork :( as we cant save each other
  17. InversionSR

    Realism vs keeping new players

    Spose a lot of this is probably elsewhere im just grouping it up so it doesnt get hidden behind all the "game needs to be more hardcore"
  18. InversionSR

    set bleed time variable

    Just thinking 90% of the time i die is from bleeding out after using my 1 bandage. Perhaps setting a limited amount of bleeding will help make the game more realistic and also would increase early game survival chances. Ie loose 300-700 blood over 5-12 seconds. Just an idea since ive never bleed to death from a paper cut or dog bite.
  19. InversionSR

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    Very popular Comment I'm for it either people are for it or against it For it= new players, older players who died and need to re-spawn. Against= people who want to boast/ tell others to man up to over compensate for what their lacking. People who feel pro cause they have a gun, Old players who want to be hardcore. My suggestion, server difficulty its not used at the moment -easy spawn with makarov like before -normal spawn with a melee and bandages -hard spawn as it is now with nothing
  20. InversionSR

    set bleed time variable

  21. InversionSR

    Suggestion: Realism please!

    LOL AT REALISM. The original reason for not spawning with anything as they felt it was "hardcore"/immersive enough to spawn with a gun and ammo. In a zombie apocalypse people wouldn't just run off into the wilderness with torch and a bandage so they could be more :"hardcore". I personally have a variety of melee weapons at home i would take as well as bandages, food, water and a scoped 22. rifle. At the very least i would take a bit of metal pipe or a wooden board first opportunity i got. Its what any semi-intelligent human being would do. On the other hand most people have only one or two guns per family if in the country and generally would take them with them so max realism would probably make guns and ammo AMAZINGLY SCARCE, but would make food, water, melee weapons and medical supplies AMAZINGLY COMMON as almost every living person in the 2nd and first world countries owns theses. So more realism would make survival loot ie bandages really common, but people wouldn't kindly drop rifles and ammo on the floor. So the issue is this where to draw the line, do we want realism of Fewer guns more food etc, but more intelligent post apocalypse survivors or more hardcore with much fewer new players joining the mod due to the difficulty of surviving up to 33 minutes? ill just leave it there...
  22. 50:50 chance if you spawn next to a weapon of surviving 255 if you log out in a town/ near zombies
  23. InversionSR

    Petition to spawn with a weapon!

    AT least spawn with another bandage and or food or something. A melee would even work i know being "hardcore' is cool but if no new players can join the game how is the game meant to continue/evolve
  24. InversionSR

    A real Populated town?

    Cool idea, could give it ai who could defend the town/respawn in it or patrol. However they would fire on people with the bandit skin, or those who attacked other players in town.