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About GK_Buba

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. GK_Buba

    Golden AKS

    golden AK is in the native game, might as well did a tank or whatnot, but they did a golden AK. Yay.
  2. And then wait till he wakes up and shoot him again? sounds like fun.
  3. GK_Buba

    Build forts in future?

    Wasteland did not add base building, it was part of the normal game. You could build a base already, and I do not see any new building type or feature. So that means dayz could easly add this, question is if the date server can handle 200000 differnt building type's placed over all the servers. I dont think so, since tents and vehicle's and even stuff in your back pack vanish so far.
  4. GK_Buba

    M4A1 CCO's Aimpoint not accurate

    Yea SD ammo does that, try normal and the issu will be gone.
  5. GK_Buba

    Admin kicks for playing alone

    It goes around too, admins needs to constantly screen shot/ film evrything in order to kick/ban a player for the right reasons. Seems to me alot of hate goes to the people paying for the servers you play on for free.
  6. GK_Buba

    Camo Netting

    Problem is with the current camo nets is that they do this wierd texuture thing from a distance so that you can spot them form miles away. Also, at one point you get so used to the normal tree/bushes that anything differnt will stand out. Really so a camo net thats several meters wide.
  7. I like the shotgun tbh, I hope in the future more "home"weapons will be included and the military weapons will be much more rare and hard to find.
  8. What about people who had their GUID spoofed? Happen to a clan mate, and it means hackers simply steal others GUID and keep on hacking.
  9. GK_Buba

    DE6 - Abuser?

    Did you ride on a ATV? "which I think is the admin or one of his friends" wow your sure fast to judge. Getting really fed up with people randomly blaming the admin for evry funny/fishy/cheating thing that comes up. Do you have any reason why it would be a admin or friend? did you get a name tag? saw anything to prove that it was indeed a admin and/or friend? Or did you just asume it was for whatever reason?
  10. GK_Buba

    Is toolbox respawn broken?

    Not since the last hotfix, but I had a similar problem before the patch. I found 3 or 4 toolboxes in my previus lives but it took alot more time to find one this playthrough. Maybe your just unlucky.
  11. Awsome story HWG, I had a similar experiance and could not wait to get back and do better that time. Look at it this way; you and your friend had alot of fun for NINE hours from a free mod. Learned alot, get a feel of the game and got unlucky at the end by your own failings. Also, evryone dies. Really its not a matter of if, but when. Really, imagine if you got all the equipment you could ever want. The game would become very boring. Starting fresh is a chance to do better, or play in a differnt way.
  12. GK_Buba

    What skin do you want in DayZ?

    Mind you, evry skin before OA can not have a back pack. Since the whole back pack thing is added after that expansion. Someone can ofc change/ mod the old models but that has not happend yet.
  13. GK_Buba

    1.6.0 Clothing Change Swimming Bug

    Date/Time: 5 minutes before this post was made. What happened:I found a camo outfit in a shop and equipt it, i fell trew the floor and starting to swim. I could not get back on the floor so I disconected. Once I was back in the game, I was still swimming. I managed to get back up by selecting my side arm. After that i saw a "surviver" but it was just a NPC, standing there doing nothing. It had my backpack, with all my stuff in it. But not my weapons ( see pictures below). Where you were:Inside the shop, Berezino north. What you were doing:Putting on the camo outfit. *Current installed version:1.6.1 *Server(s) you were on:NL4 *Your system specs:I7920, Nvidia GTX 560 TI *Timeline of events before/after error:Prone trew Berezino until i reached to shop.
  14. Date/Time: 5 minutes before this post was made. What happened:I found a camo outfit in a shop and equipt it, i fell trew the floor and starting to swim. I could not get back on the floor so I disconected. Once I was back in the game, I was still swimming. I managed to get back up by selecting my side arm. After that i saw a "surviver" but it was just a NPC, standing there doing nothing. It had my backpack, with all my stuff in it. But not my weapons ( see pictures below). Where you were:Inside the shop, Berezino north. What you were doing:Putting on the camo outfit. *Current installed version:1.6.1 *Server(s) you were on:NL4 *Your system specs:I7920, Nvidia GTX 560 TI *Timeline of events before/after error:Prone trew Berezino until i reached to shop.
  15. GK_Buba

    Server travelling/spawning improvement idea

    +1 to this idea.