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Kisa (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Kisa (DayZ)

  1. Kisa (DayZ)

    Why do you shoot on sight? (TL;DR)

    I only kill on sight if they are near my camp of course. Other than that I tend to avoid.
  2. Kisa (DayZ)

    Funniest Moments On DayZ, GO!

    One of my most memorable moments was when me and my bf were up by the castle with hatchets, he was trying to kill a zombie but it wouldnt die no matter how hard he tried (he was really good with hatchet) Me not so good haha. Anyway I panicked thinking he was going to bleed out and die while I was just standing there watching him dying so I ran up to the zombie and tried to hit it and instead we accidentally killed each other both laying on the ground dead. It was definately a smack to the face moment...and he definately wasnt happy with me :) Or the time where his cousin led like 20 zombies to me while I was in a bus, I told him to hurry and get in but instead he accidentally started to FUEL the bus. So Im sitting there watching him get the crap beat out of him fueling and me yelling at him to get his arse in the bus! Yeah we blew up and it was all his fault ._. I should of just left him to die lolo
  3. Kisa (DayZ)

    How are you liking DayZ so far?

    I love it. :D And my boyfriend and his cousin have been playing it everyday and thats alot coming from him because he gets bored pretty quickly... But yeah it is alot more fun with friends, I did it as a loner and the only fun with that in my opinion was it was more scary.
  4. Kisa (DayZ)

    Couple of questions

    for the car question if you cant get into it, then it cant be repaired...Im assuming a flaming world is hackers lol and the best way to start is get the fawk off the coast goodluck XD
  5. Kisa (DayZ)

    "Hey, I just shot you" - Call Me Maybe ft. DayZ

    yeah you should record this its nice :)
  6. Kisa (DayZ)

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    berezino is my home :)
  7. Kisa (DayZ)

    Seattle 68 Mass Kill

    I apparently died but spawned next to my dead body looted it and still had my zombie kills...
  8. Kisa (DayZ)

    Seattle 68 Mass Kill

    Yeah everyone just got thrown up and dropped... -___-'